Special Pages

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sensing Goes Silent

Donald Sensing at Sense of Events has chosen to go dark for an indeterminate period.  Donald has a rather unique background, as both retired artillery officer and ordained minister; a combination which yielded some interesting perspectives. 

With a hope you see this, sir, I sincerely wish the best of luck to you.  And for everyone else, allow me to post something I purloined from your site:


  1. Thank you for your kind words. Blogging was never more than a hobby for me, and I have lately seen that it was becoming more than a pastime. For probably the rest of the year I want to free the time to more productive pursuits, including my vocation. If I do start posting again, I won't return to the same sorts of topics as before.

    Thank you again for the link and your kind wishes!

    1. I understand. I never intended for this to be a "post every day" (or more) place myself, but it tends to become "more than a pastime". There have been times when I've taken (or been forced to take) some time off and I find myself annoyed at my own blog for not being updated! (not too schizo?) "who runs this chicken outfit?"

      There's a better balance in there somewhere, I just haven't found it.

  2. Jimmeh.

    Now THERE'S a scary reminder!


    1. Jimmeh's happy. He no longer has to be known as the worst president evah.
