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Friday, September 2, 2011

The "Federal Family" Meme

You know, Tam needs a link from me about as much West Texas needs another grain of sand, but this wonderful post led me to Jennifer who led me to Minutemen.

Earlier this week, some government wonk from one of those academic factories that squirt out government wonks like Ohio tourists with dysentery in Tijuana came up with the pronouncement that we should not talk about "government" like some big evil empire, but as our "Federal family".  To which Jennifer replied:
So if I ever choose to fly again, I shouldn’t worry about being probed by some degenerate government thug, I should just think of it like a visit to Uncle Pervy’s secret closet?
Minuteman reminds us that Government is Force, and points us to Guns, Cars and Tech, who reminds us, it all ends with puppy-killing SWAT teams.  He says, "It seems ridiculous that this could happen,right? Well,all it takes is one word:  No." and goes on to paint an entirely realistic scenario. 
Government:  We need to double your taxes so that umpires don’t forget to turn off the ballfield lights after games are over.

Citizen:  No.

Government:  Um….but we need it.

Citizen:  No.

Government:  Well,it doesn’t matter what you think. You have to pay it anyway.

Citizen:  No.

Government:  [Later] I see you didn’t pay the new tax rate. Here’s your updated bill with penalties and interest.

Citizen:  No.

Government:  Okay,fine. See you in court!

Citizen:  No.

Government:  What? BUT YOU HAVE TO GO!

Citizen:  No.

Government:  Fine. We waved a magic wand and took ownership of your house. You have to get out.

Citizen:  No.

Government:  [Press Release] SWAT was deployed today and killed a barricaded suspect. Multiple attempts to negotiate were rejected,so SWAT had to move in. The suspect resisted arrest and was shot 37 times. We waited a couple of hours and then found out he was dead.


  1. "Government is not reason. Government is not eloquence. It is brute force." -- George Washington

  2. Years ago I bothered to point out to my cow-workers that all the laws/regulations/etc they were advocating required enforcement at gunpoint, I was told that I was being 'unreasonable'. That the guns only came out when people refused to 'be reasonable'.

    Thus ended my attempts at pointing out the obvious to people who were high on the mind-altering drug of statism. As the song said, you can't argue with a sick mind. And statists are certainly delusional, among other things.

    I've been much happier since I stopped pointing out the obvious, and despite more laws, more regulations, bigger 'safety nets', more government, and less liberty, the world's gone further down the tubes. Go figure.

  3. Hi Graybeard,

    Why do you supposed they're wearing kneepads? I can see the gloves would help prevent the blisters they'd get from firing a full mag into kitties.


    1. The knee pads are for those long hours at the barracks waiting to be deployed. Think Iraq soldiers bunking at a US FOB, and you'll get the picture.

  4. Heh... The best part of that picture is that the cat clearly doesn't give a rat's furry little butt about the heavily-armed humans. That kind of says everything you'll ever need to know about kitties.

    And there's a deeper message for us humans, though I'm not going to bother stating it.

  5. Undergroundcarpenter - that's in case the cat gets the drop on them and pulls into a tactically superior position. Before the cat kills them all, they drop to their knees and "assume the position".

    They get lots of practice at "head"quarters.

    1. Damn. I should have read your response first, SiG. Wasted some time and bandwidth, especially since all of this was written about 4.5 years ago ;-)

    2. Damn. I should have read your response first, SiG. Wasted some time and bandwidth, especially since all of this was written about 4.5 years ago ;-) Don't bother posting my comments. They were more for you, anyway.
