Special Pages

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Turn

Today is my turn to be honored by one of my virtual friends, Quizikle, who tagged my blog today.  The way this meme works is;

The Rules:
    1. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
    2. Link back to the blogger who gave the award
    3. Pick five favorite blogs with less than 200 followers, and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they have received the award.
    4. Hope that the five blogs chosen will keep spreading the love and pass it on to five more blogs. 
I've done #2 already, and Quizikle would have been one of my five.  200 followers is really a lot.  Only a few that I visit have that many, and to be honest, I'm not a follower on anyone's blog so I'm not sure what that number really means.   Seems like a reason to stick with folks with lower numbers of followers.  Here's my list of some favorite reads, in no particular order:
  1. Improved Clinch - John, the erudite submariner, a guy with some very interesting perspectives. 
  2. No Lawyers, Only Guns and Money - as you might gather, tends to track legal 2A issues the most.
  3. Gun Free Zone - Miquel down the state in South Florida.  I really admire Miquel because he goes after the crazy anti-gun folks relentlessly.  It takes a lot of dedication.  
  4. American Mercenary - currently home, but just back from Afghanistan. Real insights to that area, and good instructive articles on defense and other tactics.  
  5. Borepatch - he has the most followers of these five, but I visit several times a day.  Great security insights (he's a pro, after all), and historical insights on a wide variety of things.  Not to mention the weekly country music. 
I read a lot of blogs every now and then, but only a few every day. I have an acute time problem.  Even a simple post like this is going over an hour to think about and put down.

1 comment:

  1. Afternoon, Graybeard. Hey, I got your email about being "Liebstered," and yours was the second notification I received about the meme, and honor. My first notification was from
    TinCanAssasin, who runs the blog Nine Pound Sledgehammer, and I'll post the comment I left him regarding this here, also.

    "First, thanks for the kudos, I appreciate it.

    Though I do not want to seem ungrateful for the kudos, I am going to pass on particpating, even though the possibility of one million bucks, which could magically be deposited in the First Nigerian Bank and Trust, Tax and Duty free, for my personal use, for a nominal handling fee of let’s say $8,523.50, does tempt me.

    Thank you stopping by, and for considering the reading of my thoughts as worthwhile."

    See TinCan's Liebster post, which I linked here in your comments, for background on the Nigerian bank reference.

    Thanks, Graybeard, I appreciate it.
