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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Something That You Might Consider

I'm sure I've never done this before, but I'd like to point out a group that I donate to so that others might consider it.  Read about them and do what you think is right.

The group is Operation Underground Railroad, and like the underground railroad in the mid 1800s functioned to get slaves to freedom, OUR works to rescue children from sex slavery and human trafficking.  They, no, we... consider ourselves modern abolitionists.  OUR was started by Tim Ballard, ex-CIA, a former human trafficking investigator for our Fed.gov.  Tim wanted the freedom to do more on his own to fix this problem and started OUR.  Since then, Tim has partnered with veteran special operators and others who can do these specialized and dangerous sting operations.

In early October, a few weeks, ago, they rescued 123 sex slaves in Columbia; 55 of them children.  As Glenn Beck has supported them with a lot of donations from his charity company, Mercury One, an embedded reporter wrote about the operation here.   Tim and one of his leaders appeared on The Blaze TV; a summary and 10 minute video are here.
Tim Ballard with two of the children from an earlier rescue.  The small child, face blurred, was being sold as a sex slave.   

I've supported them for two years now, as long as I've known they existed.  They're better men than I; if I were in a place where men were trying to buy children to rape, I'd kill them.


  1. "I'd kill them."

    Whom??? (Questionable antecedent)

  2. LOL. I see what you mean.

    The adults, Any adult who would buy, or sell, a child tyo rape needs killing in my book.
