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Saturday, February 28, 2015

In Memoriam: Leonard Nimoy

It's funny how we feel we know these people, when all we do is watch them playing make believe for a living.  But Leonard Nimoy was part of my life and I'll miss him.  I think Miguel at Gun Free Zone has the most poignant tribute.  Few words, but ones any Trekie will recognize. 

I found this interview with Leonard describing the origin of the Vulcan greeting he's famous for.  Unfortunately, I'm unable to embed it, so go to this piece on Design News and watch the video at the bottom. Or watch it on the originating site, the New York Times and learn where the famous "V for Vulcan" comes from.  
Farewell, Leonard.  We'll miss you.


  1. I wore a Star Trek tunic starting at sunset last night. Restaurant, dinner, then the local irish pub.

    Red shirt like Scotty...

    Nobody noticed, or at least said anything, until about 10.

  2. A red shirt? You're taking your life in your own hands there, Bill. Everyone knows that the life span of a red shirt ensign is measured in minutes. Or seconds of camera time. ;-)

    Good one, though.

  3. With his thumb stuck out, that makes a "W". W for Wulcan anybody?
