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Saturday, September 3, 2016

Hillary Aide Broke Her Phones

Several people have commented on the FBI's Hillary document dump.  With this administration you know any incriminating documents are going to be released on the Friday before a holiday weekend, when they figure no one is paying attention, and they were true to form yesterday.  Tam sums it up well.
This is about as plausible as "the dog ate my homework". She claimed she didn't know that the "c" meant "confidential", that nobody told her that she should retain work emails as they are part of the public record. Further along in the article, she throws her staff under the bus, in effect claiming that her underlings and minions told the dog to eat her homework.
For the uninitiated, "Confidential" is fully classified, it's just the lowest rung on the ladder of Confidential, Secret and Top Secret.  Anything that is classified has to be handled according to procedure.  At the very least, anyone of the rest of us who handled classified material like this would have been fired, or moved out of a position that involved classified information.  I still believe we'd be in jail.  None of those explanations, of not remembering her training or of having difficulty since her stroke would matter. 

Over the last month, we've been getting dribs and drabs implying that there's no freaking way that Comey should have thought there was "no evidence of intent".  Hillary used BleachBit for cryin' out loud!  BleachBit is designed to make it hard for anyone to figure what was on a hard drive.  BleachBit is advertising they stifled the FBI investigation.  One doesn't need a tool like BleachBit to delete yoga-related emails.  This is "no evidence of criminal intent"?
Then we learned that the story of using a single email account for convenience, and a single device (Blackberry) was a lie and there were 13 different devices, several of which the FBI has not be able to get their hands on to search.  In yesterday's document dump we learn that an aide admits to destroying a couple of those devices with a hammer, or by breaking them in half.

It used to be a regular policy that the only way to declassify a hard drive was with a hammer, but it's not clear that protecting classified data is what was going on here.  It could simply be hiding evidence from the FBI - obstruction of justice. 

There's no way that Comey could have not known these things were going on - this document dump is from the July 2nd FBI interview with Hillary - and yet he said there was nothing there to prosecute.  As the little cartoon in the right panel says, anyone else would be in jail.  To be, perhaps, redundantly clear, Comey himself said anyone else would be in jail.  From his final statement
To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now. As a result, although the Department of Justice makes final decisions on matters like this, we are expressing to Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case.”
Thanks, Director Comey, you little chickenshit.  You've discredited the FBI and sealed our fate as nation of privileged men, not a nation of laws.


  1. Well said. So at this point, shouldn't we conclude we live under a hostile government? Comey says ordinary people can't do the same things as Queen Hillary without sanctions coming down on their heads.

    1. You got it. Like I said in the last sentence, Comey sealed our fate as a nation of men and not a nation of laws.

  2. What astounds me is the callous disregard that this entire administration has shown for America, it's citizens, and the culture. Whether it is ObamaCare and the lies that were told and the way it was passed, the Gun Grab that currently goes on (See BAFTE recent paper on "Wetted Nitrocellulose" (http://www.ammoland.com/2016/08/atf-reclassifies-wetted-nitrocellulose-as-explosive-materials-under-federal-laws/).

    Take TPP, please! One lie after another. Starting with the name. Deception. Don't read it till it's approved (Pelosi). Some Justice! There is no justice when those approving, committing, covering up these crimes, remember Fast & Furious, simply skate. This is where I blame all the fricking lawyers that infest our country, let along the den of vipers. I do blame first and foremost the voters who put these people in office, but then come the shysters, and no this is not a pejorative against Jewish people.

    No one, including our esteemed US Supreme Court, will do anything to anyone in order to uphold the rule of law in America, except to bring down the weight and force of the government on the citizen.

    At any point, both BJ and Hills look to be on their death walk anyway, so from there, they will be in God's hands and then they will face glorious and unmerciful justice for their crimes against not only those they were supposed to protect but to those of the world whom they took advantage of in their crooked schemes. May they burn in hell in a very special place.

    1. TPP was worse than "we have to pass it to find out what's in it", it was classified so that none of us could know what's in it. There's a 48 part series on what's wrong with the TPP, starting here, and the treaty is now available to read, at www.readthetpp.com I think I've heard it's 6000 pages long.

      While it doesn't mean much, the BATFE issued a memo a few hours after that ruling saying they hadn't understood the impact it would have so nobody is being forced to change "existing processes" to comply with it. Of course that means "not yet". On the other hand, that's always the case. At any time, BATFE, the EPA or any agency could issue a ruling that shuts down everyone. That's the nature of the country, now.

  3. Besides the obvious attempt to cover her illegal activity, doesn't it kind of call into question Hillary's ability to be a responsible POTUS if she couldn't even understand the (really important, people's-lives-and-national-security-depend-on-them) rules of being Secretary of State? Does it not matter that she is blinking innocently and declaring that she's stupid?

    1. ...and answering "I don't know" or "I forgot" 40 times? "My dog ate it" would have been a better answer.

      How could anyone possibly think she'd make a good president?

    2. Yes, but by saying "I don't remember." or "I can't recall." she avoids the risk of being caught *explicitly* lying to the FBI, an act which (because the FBI is Almighty and Shall Not Be Disrespected) happens to be a felony. I'm willing to bet quite a bit that her lawyers advised her to answer in precisely those words. God have mercy on her (and Comey's) soul. Scott Adams said that Comey made the decision he did because "he didn't want to decide who would be President" ...it sounds noble at first, but then you realize "he *wouldn't* have been! Hillary Clinton would have decided who would be President *by her actions*! Comey's only job was to *enforce the law equally* not worry about"choosing the President" or some such nonsense! *outraged panting* ...Ahem...I'm better now.

    3. I've seen the argument that Comey didn't want to affect the election, but thought exactly what you say. Hillary decided to go to prison with her actions. I don't believe for a femtosecond that she did this whole separate server thing for any purpose other than plausible deniability. Evasion of prosecution. Get away with as much graft and corruption as she could.

    4. You know and I know that were we to do anything remotely similar, we would already be behind bars! I like many worked for a government contractor and held a clearance and knowing what you have and its import is not rocket science. If it is, to the person, well, then they should in no way be entrusted with said clearance or be anywhere near one.
