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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Adios, Fidel

How's hell treating you?  You've got all of eternity to spend there.  And it wouldn't be hell if you got used to it, so it's going to hurt like the first time forever.

The worst mass murderer in the western hemisphere is gone.  At long last.  Good riddance. 

The Cuban friends I grew up with down in Carol City are probably doing a little celebration now.  Enjoy!


  1. This should appeal to people living in Florida ...

    Fidel Castro dies and goes to Heaven.

    “No way,” says St. Peter. “You’re not getting in, not after all that you did.”

    At this Castro shrugs. “Hay no problema,” he replies and goes down, down, down, all the way to Hell. There he’s greeted by The Devil like an old friend and, before long, the two of them are having a great time together.

    Suddenly, Castro cries out: “Oh,no! I left my bags at the Gates of Heaven.”

    “Don’t worry,” says The Devil. “I’ll send a couple of demons to fetch them for you.”

    Arriving at the Gates of Heaven, the two demons cannot see any sign of either St. Peter, who’s on his lunch break, or the bags. So they decide to climb the gates, in the hope of finding the bags but, while doing so, are seen by a couple of angels.

    “Oh no,” says one of the angels. “Castro’s not yet been in Hell for two hours, and already we’re getting refugees.”

    Phil B

  2. "I have a dream..."
    No! Really! Imagine if post Fidel Cuba were to create a democracy with a modern and fair legal system and open up to investors eager to build hotels, casinos and entertainment venues. Overnight Cuba could become the Hawaii of the Caribbean. Imagine thousands of tourists and millions of dollars every day. Jobs, good jobs, booming economy, happy people, safety, freedom.
