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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Oh, The Humanity!

No wieners were harmed in the accident, that I can tell.  This was on December 15th, although the location is gone from my notes. 

Strange as it may be to see the Oscar Mayer wienermobile here, we actually saw it in person once.  It was in May of '06 at Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico.  Here's the wiener in happier, or at least warmer, days. 


  1. This is why drivers shouldn't be hot dogging.

  2. When I was a little tyke, my parents would take me to see it when it was at the local family-owned grocery store they went to.

    Somewhere around here I still have a 60 year old "wiener whistle".

    Wonder bread also had a similar vehicle that gave out little loaves of Wonder Bread. Those were eaten on the spot!

  3. I saw the weinermobile in 1996; it was parked at the hotel we were staying at near Atlanta.

    1. There are a lot of weinermobiles. Currently, there are eight on the road.
