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Thursday, May 4, 2017

Star Wars Day

Ironic day for the house to pass the health care bill.  Why?  I think everyone is familiar with the Star Wars line, "So this is how liberty dies.  With thunderous applause." - spoken by Queen Amidala (Natalie Portman) in Star Wars III - Revenge of the Sith.  The line is given as she watches Emperor Palpatine tell a cheering Senate that he had taken all their power away to form a Galactic Empire.  By all accounts, that line was written as a slam on George W. Bush.  Today we could just as easily say, "so this is how the 'repeal Obamacare' promise dies."


  1. I figure they have to whittle it down, unfortunately. As long as they keep whittling, I'll refrain from panicking.

    But judging by the panic from the pro-Obamacare camp, this HAS to be a step in the right (pun) direction.

    1. I kinda gave myself a hard time last night for saying what I said with no backup. I haven't read any real commentary from any people I think are experts, so I don't really know what kind of shop sweepings ended up in this sausage. I just don't want any sausage. I want it gone.

      I think it's a really a shame, though, that a massive, massive government spending program can be passed with a party line vote - not one Stupid party vote - and yet can never be removed.

    2. That is FAR easier to understand, however, once you realize there truly is only ONE party competing for power in this country, and both of its faces LUVS them some One World Government.

      And their enabling Thugs with Guns will do WHATEVER they are told, as long as that paycheck keeps comin' in.

  2. The Democrats know how to wield power. The Republicans do not. We reached the point of no return during the Bush administration. Any person who can use a calculator can see that the country that we grew up in is going to collapse. What keeps me up at night is wondering what comes next.

    1. What comes next is well documented. Every democracy or republic that has collapsed through history has been followed by a dictatorship-- usually a brutal one. What comes after that, and how soon after, is harder to tell. Maybe a democratic Germany. Maybe a French republic. Maybe Dark Ages. I guess it depends on who forms the three percent, and how they end up behaving.

    2. I think that these societal movements are far too big for anyone or any small group to counter. The descent into the next dark ages is going on all over the world. If it's unstoppable, all we can do is "enjoy the decline" as much as we can, as Captain Capitalism says.

      As sure as water will wet us
      As sure as fire will burn
      The Gods of the copy book headings
      With terror and slaughter return
