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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Germans Investigate Drugging Population to Accept Immigrants

It's one of those "you can't make this stuff up" kinds of stories.  German and American researchers want to use the hormone oxytocin, a female hormone said to foster nurturing and bonding between mother and child - "turning mothers into moms", to make Germans less hostile to the Muslim immigrants invading their country and raping their wives and daughters. 
A group of researchers from Germany and the United States claims to have found at least a partial cure for xenophobia, a much heralded accomplishment in the wake of a historic migrant crisis that has swept more than 1.7 million Muslim refugees from the Middle East and Africa into Europe’s cities and led to fissures in social cohesion that some predict have sewn the seeds of civil war.
It's not exactly clear how this would be accomplished; whether everyone would have to be dosed with oxytocin on camera or in a monitored facility, but the study is more "proof of concept" than a plan of how to implement it.
According to the researchers, the hormone drug oxytocin administered in combination with peer influence caused people inclined to have “negative attitudes” toward migrants to actually want to reach out and help them.

“Researchers have shown in a new study that the bonding hormone oxytocin together with social norms significantly increases the willingness to donate money to refugees in need, even in people who tend to have a skeptical attitude towards migrants,” the study concluded.
The experiment was to give a group of 100 subjects 50 euros and have them donate to either other Germans in need or to the immigrants.  Those who were generous to the immigrants were given oxytocin and donated more.  Those who were less generous to the immigrants were then dosed with the oxytocin, but that didn't change the amount they donated.  Only when they were given oxytocin and allowed to see how much the pro-immigrant group donated did they increase their donations to the immigrants - hence the reference to "oxytocin together with social norms".  
People who had “negative attitudes towards migrants” were not affected — but, when they were shown how generous others had been towards migrants in combination with the drugs, they “donated up to 74 per cent more”.
In my mind, it's kind of reminiscent of Nazi medical research like that done by Josef Mengele, giving people drugs to see if they'll do what the state wants them to do.
James Simpson, a journalist who has also written extensively about the dark side of refugee resettlement, was taken aback by the study.

“This reveals a deeply entrenched official agenda to push refugee resettlement at all costs and thoroughly discredit any and all opposition to it,” Simpson told WND. “It reinforces my belief that official Germany is carrying out the Russian plan to take over Western Europe using the refugee crisis to create chaos. Chancellor Angela Merkel is the Russians’ agent-in-place – a member of the East German Communist Party before coming to the West who inserted herself into West German politics by pretending to be a pro-West moderate leader.”
Like I say, you just can't make this shit up. 
Maybe "A Clockwork Orange" was more prescient than we thought.  


  1. I don't know whether this is all a bad joke or whether it's an experiment gone wrong. The whole million military age Mohammedan male thing is that absurd, and tolerating it must mean that the Germans are being chemically neutered.

  2. This said German and _American_ researchers. I wonder who the Americans are, and if they have any connection to government and/or the globalists pushing the "global warming" scam

    I think these researchers should be subjected to experiments to determine if the injection of significant quantities of lead and copper will cause then to stop studying ways to coerce normal people into accepting the destruction of their countries and their cultures via the government approved and assisted muslim invasion of Europe and America.

    1. I looked into the that "German and American" phrase and while the university reporting the results is German (Universität Bonn), the article in Science Daily says:

      "Under the psychiatrist's supervision, a team of researchers at the University of Bonn, the Laureate Institute for Brain Research in Tulsa (USA), and the University of Lübeck conducted three experiments in which they tested a total of 183 subjects, who were all German natives. In the Laboratory for Experimental Economics (BonnEconLab) at the University of Bonn, they completed a donation task on a computer."

      Aside from that, it's pretty hard to find out just who was involved or just why it was done.

    2. I think George Orwell and Aldous Huxley explained why it was done. And Merkel probably funded the study.

  3. Please understand that local "Law Enforcement" - including our fine Brevard County Sheriff's Office and all other locals - will be quite willing to insure the implementation of this if the folks who sign their paychecks tell them to do so.

  4. Interestingly, this wasn't just a matter of donating more to immigrants, it was a matter of donating more to immigrants at the expense of their own countrymen who were also in need. I don't really see how oxytocin would have caused that - it should have made them more likely to bond with anyone, not just the immigrants. Still, the fact that these guys are deliberately trying to tilt the donations in favor of the immigrants in a zero-sum game is disturbing.

    1. I think it's more like reality to make it zero sum; after all, you can't decide to donate more to any cause and suddenly get more income to do so. You have only so much you can donate and split it up depending on how much you feel they deserve.

    2. They'll put it in the drinking water.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The EU Elite pine for One World Government, Anonymous. They understand the best way to get that is to destroy national identity.

    They are not "stupid".

    They are corrupt.

    They are treasonous.

    But they are not even REMOTELY "stupid".

  7. G-23 Paxilon Hydrochlorate can't be to far off...

    1. no shit. I am feeling a bit edgy already....

    2. Richard - I had to look it up. Didn't remember the name at first.

    3. "Reavers" was actually a good euphemism for muslim immigrants.

  8. When a government (and we're not quite there yet) seeks to control its citizens through the use of drugs to change their mental and emotional outlooks, it is time to find another country, or find another government for that country by any means possible.

  9. "We are making better worlds" does this mean one will not really care when they kill us?

  10. The American researcher is Justin S. Feinstein, http://www.laureateinstitute.org/justin-feinstein.html.

  11. “It reinforces my belief that official Germany is carrying out the Russian plan to take over Western Europe using the refugee crisis to create chaos. Chancellor Angela Merkel is the Russians’ agent-in-place ..."

    What A 'Tard.

    Ain't nuthin' russian about this - it is the global elites. The author of this article has drunk the "ruskies dun it" koolaid.

  12. re: http://www.laureanteinstitute.org/justin-feinstein.html returns a 404 page not found message. Would be good to read the info with regard to any American researcher participating in this.

    1. It worked for me before, so I just tried. There's an extra "n" in the URL you've put here.

      Try http://www.laureateinstitute.org/justin-feinstein.html

  13. Brave New World meets 1984. Never imagined they could both be right.
