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Friday, November 10, 2017

The First Actual Chainsaw Bayonet

I was sure I still had this picture, but I had to go do an image search to find it.  The actual chainsaw bayonet.

OK, maybe it's not the actual first chainsaw bayonet; it's just the first picture I ever saw.  I thought I had it on my computer, but I searched pretty extensively and couldn't find it.  Must have said, "I'll never need that picture again" during one of my cleanup frenzies.

Hat tip to MRCTV - the Media Research Center - which includes cringe-inducing video of the saw in action and this chainsaw carrying assault junk Huffy bike.


  1. Both are beloved of CNN. They drive the weak minded to greater fits of insanity and primal screaming.

  2. [PFC] Baker is now so screwed for that spoof....

    1. I think I first got that picture back in '09 or '10. PFC Baker probably moved on long ago.

    2. I was SPC Baker when this picture was taken. I still have the chainsaw, but my buddy who made it passed away.
      PFCThiel is/was his youtube channel where he actually used it.

    3. Funny thing. That photo actually showed up in a Top Secret brief that my brother (MI) was in.

    4. I posted these comments - notice this is a five year old post - because you made it seem real. In general, I don't put up comments to posts more than a month old.

      So thanks, (I'm guessing) Mr. Baker; no longer in their employ.

      Chances are really good only you and I will know these comments are here.

    5. No I am in the Army Reserves now. Going to college, hopefully getting into medical school and then back on Active duty with an airborne unit again.

    6. Very cool, let me wish you the best of luck. It's a long, hard road from everything I've heard. A lifetime ago (literally - it was 50 years ago) I was majoring in biochemistry and knew a lot of folks at various points along that road.

      Thanks for dropping by (hopefully... eventually) Dr. Baker.

  3. I don't get the obsession with chainsaws used as swords. A sword cuts infinitely better than a chainsaw on flesh and bone...and it doesn't spray guts in your face.

    1. That might be the whole point, Mal. It's one thing to fear being "sliced and diced", but another to being shredded and sprayed all over the landscape. (No, I never did watch the Texas Chainsaw Massacre ;-) The next guy in line might suddenly remember he had a pressing appointment somewhere else.

  4. Chainsaw Bayonets are also marketed by a company called Panacea X.
    Check www.panaceax.com. Look under Products/Weaponized Chainsaws.
    I kid you not. A couple of models in various colors; selling for $800.00 each.
    Who woulda thunk there's a market for such things.

    1. Wow! Who woulda thunk, indeed. Thanks for that link. The USA Today is probably still searching for it, so let's not tell them.

      I can't imagine a use for it, but I may not have a good enough imagination.
