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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

It's The SOTU Drinking Game!

The State of the Union Drinking Game is easy to follow; and if you don't want to get wasted on a weeknight, you can just play with something else.  Have some candy or whatever you want to substitute. 

The scoring is that every time the president says any of the following words you take a drink:
Infrastructure, "roads and bridges", or airports
Infrastructure doesn't have to be preceded by "crumbling" to count.  Now go watch!  If the evening news is any indication, I guarantee you'll be drunk by 9:30.

(a picture I've been running for years - usually in my New Years' Eve post)


  1. State of the Union Addresses are predictable. President Trump has worked hard to make American prosperous and optimistic again and I think that he's doing a good job despite what you'd hear on the contemptible, lying, corrupt CNN or MSNBC reports. I find the clapping and ovations annoying, but I struggled through it - sober.

    1. I have an almost perfectly unblemished record of never watching them. I think I watched W's speech right after 9/11 (so 4 months?) SOTU speeches were about right before Woodrow Wilson. Maybe best when Jefferson sent congress a letter and didn't even go talk to them.

      What actually prompted this was the sheer number of times they said infrastructure on the evening news. After it became noticeable, my wife made a tally sheet and found they said it over 15 times in a half hour.

  2. On the other hand, if you only drank when he said "I...", you'd be stone sober at the end. Unlike listening to the Chimp in Chief speechifying...

    1. From what I'm hearing from talking heads, I probably should have watched.

    2. If nothing else, to enjoy watching the Democrats soil their Depends.
