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Friday, June 15, 2018

If You've Worked for a Big Company You'll Understand This

Given the FBI Inspector General's report detailing the horrific ethical issues at the top of the agency in DC, Director Christopher Wray said all the lower level employees will be sent for training
The FBI will make its employees undergo bias training, Director Christopher A. Wray promised Thursday, after a devastating report found the bureau made bad decisions, has a culture of leaking sensitive information, and may have skewed campaign-season decisions because of bias.
If you've worked for a Fortune 500 company, or probably any company with more than something like 100 employees this is a familiar script.  Business as usual.  One of the executives on Mahogany Row does something wrong, so for the rest of time the rank and file workers get penalized.  Like when company officials from some place were accused of "insider trading" and as a result, every employee in the big companies has to take a mandatory insider training class every year.  In perpetuity.  Or when someone decided that a CEO being optimistic about the company wasn't to encourage the group to but was a dishonest ploy to swindle investors, so Congress passed the Sarbanes Oxley act, and now every employee at a publicly traded company has to take an annual SOX class. 

Here, the top layer of officers in the FBI were as biased as a skunk's spray is stenchy, so the rank and file agents will get training in being objective while - from all we can see now - none of the actual offenders will suffer any consequence whatsoever. 

Buck Sexton, talk radio guy and expert on the talking head circuit due to being an ex-Three Letter Agency guy, sums it up nicely on Twitter (via Twitchy): 

The IG report itself reminds me of the Comey press conference on Hillary from July of '16.  That time out of 15 minutes of air time, he spent 13 of them listing every federal felony and other crime that Hillary committed.  Then he spent the last 90 seconds explaining he was going to do nothing, turned and walked off stage without taking questions or interacting at all.  In this case, the IG points out example after example of all the wrong things the FBI did that were biased and/or illegal, but then said there was no evidence of bias.  Again, these were the headquarters staffers, including the Weasel Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

People have been saying for a while that this might well be the biggest political scandal in our country's history.  To have what's supposed to be the premier law enforcement agency in the country apparently trying to take out the lawfully elected president is just so wrong it's hard to wrap my head around it. 


  1. BTDT, and still have the training manual and ballpoint pen they gave us!

    When I worked for Boeing the CEO got caught in a totally consensual affair with another employee, not a direct report, and he resigned. BUT...all the employees had to take a day-long training course.

    1. Phil Condit. Those classes lasted for a few years after the incident, if you remember. Phil also sold the company to McDonnell-Douglas, and then everything went to hell.

  2. The worst of "endless training for things we didn't do" was in the Navy because the training was incredibly puerile. But I've endured the sort of drivel you outline above as well.

    The FBI touts its 'premier status' but I have seen the rot first hand and it's an ugly thing. Yes, it exists elsewhere but nobody crows purity like the FBI, so it's somehow worse when you see it there.

    The FBI was/is the vehicle for a slow coup to remove a duly elected president. That the Mueller sham is still underway is sufficient proof that it hasn't left us and exposes the lengths that the deep state will go to try and maintain itself.

  3. @LL: When I was in the Navy, a bunch of fighter pilots got caught up in the Tailhook scandal. To correct the attitudes that led to the scandal, the Navy required everyone to undergo sexual harassment training. Then announced that commissioned officers were exempted from attending.

  4. The stench in the FBI - and DoJ - did not begin with this treason. It goes back to at least 1975 with Whitey Bulger. FBI agents knew who he was going to murder, and did nothing to stop him nor even warn those people. And then the DoJ framed innocent men for those murders, and refused to provide their defense teams with the exonerating evidence. And when the corruption was finally outed, the perpetrators largely walked free.

    And that is merely ONE of the many putrid actions by those two agencies. Add to that Hutaree militia, Senator Stevens persecution, Four Grandpas in a Waffle House, Ruby Ridge, Bundy Ranch, Malheur, Garland, TX, and God only knows how many others.

    God damn every one of them to hell for eternity for what they have done to this country.

    And in the meantime, your local finest sit elbow-to-elbow with them at DHS Fusion Centers across the country, swilling coffee, sucking donuts, and doing WHATEVER they are told. Our local sheriff, Wayne Ivey, has officers assigned to the Central Florida Intelligence Exchange at 6643 Hazeltine National Drive in Orlando.

    Filthy. Maggot. Pigs.

    1. Let me add Waco and flight 800 to that list.

    2. One must never forget Waco. Purposely cutting the communication lines to give an excuse to assault because of no communications. Not negotiating in good faith.

      So much fail. So squarely on the ATF's and FBI's shoulders, along with Reno and Clinton(s) ('s, because from what I've heard, Hillary was right in there making proclamations and policies even though she was Americas Plus One at the time.)

  5. what you forgot to mention is the constant invention of new training classes for rank and file to take in perpetuity.

    1. Yeah, I missed that one. BTDT in terms of taking those classes.

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