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Friday, July 20, 2018

Peak of Civilization Day

H/T to Aesop at Raconteur Report for the name.  Unfortunately, it really was.  Today, men from the earth first set foot upon the moon.  And it was 49 years ago.  Borepatch called Apollo 11 the high water mark of the United States.  I think it was more than that; it was the high water mark of human civilization.  

I found this on Pinterest; it plainly says via 9GAG.com. 

One of my favorite rants I've ever done on the subject was "We Are the Counter Culture" back in July, 2015, which ends with a video that I never fail to laugh at.   


  1. Yeah, I feel it, too. I see the 60's being celebrated as a "Golden Age" in other areas, too, like vintage auto racing.

    Glad I got to see it happen live....

  2. Happy 'Texans on the Moon Day'!

  3. Maybe the newly minted US Space Force will allow us to bury our shame and relive past glory while reaching for new heights?

    1. Visions of Space Marines from the Alien franchise, or the Starship Troopers (from the movie of the same name) come to mind.

      I think the force already exists and is more like a bunch of office geeks, but it gets a catchy new name.

  4. I call Collins’s picture the ultimate “anti-selfie”

  5. https://www.nasa.gov/topics/moon-to-mars

    1. To quote the X-Files, "I Want to Believe". I've just lost confidence in them. Anything that takes longer than one president's term just ain't happening. So let's be optimistic and say we get 8 years; what gets done? You know there's not a date in those schedules that won't slip to the right. They all slip to the right.

      NASA appears to have gotten so arthritic that if any given building was on fire, it would take six weeks to evacuate it.

  6. Yeah, and it was all done analog , steam gauges with needles and with slide rules etc.
    eat that, you digital geeks!

  7. Technology is a force multiplier which strengthens the small force more than the large force. Technology is increasing faster than exponential, it seems like a law of physics from Darwinism. When small flying things get cheap enough they will be used to disrupt the logistics of armies, and the age of organized crime will be over.

    Five minutes later the planning will start for manned space exploration and colonization missions. What planet do you want your tombstone on?
