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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

About HR8 and HR1112 in the US House

Miguel at Gun Free Zone has been leading the charge to contact your representatives regarding these two Democrat gun right restriction bills.  HR8 is a "universal background check" bill that seeks to redefine "transfer" from selling a gun to letting anyone use your gun, and (I swear I'm not making this up) is justified by making background checks apply at gun shows and internet gun sales.  I guess they have a 100% perfect record of never telling the truth about these things, so at least they're consistent.  HR 1112 makes buying more obtuse than that.  Miguel says:
H.R. 8 criminalizes the private transfer of firearms and targets law-abiding gun owners for persecution. It would make criminals out of law-abiding gun owners for simply loaning a firearm to a friend or some family members. This bill would not stop criminals from obtaining guns because criminals do not comply with the law. And the legislation would be unenforceable without federal gun registration.

H.R. 1112 would allow the government to arbitrarily delay firearm purchases for over 20 days and make it more difficult for law-abiding Americans to defend themselves and their families.
HR 1112 is aimed at giving the government more time, up to 20 days, to do a background check.  Currently, if a background check is taking too long, a buyer can get provisionally approved to buy a gun after three days.  Much like the bump stock ban, it seems to be a law based on the fact that one time in recorded history, someone who was provisionally allowed to pass his background check committed a crime.  This was the Charleston church shooting.  "Once in the history of the world" appears to be the new standard for outlawing something.  I suppose no one ever considered regulating the government's ability to do their job and improve their performance.  

Maybe it's my general disgust with the tribes running DC, but I take a more cynical view of the goings on.  I can't help but think of these as the Evil Party's version of the Stupid Party voting something like 45 times to repeal Obamacare when it would never pass the senate and then rolling over and doing absolutely nothing to repeal it when their votes would actually matter.  These bills are all for show.  They can pass outright national door to door confiscation legislation in the House to give their financial backers a thrill up their legs, feeling sure it's never going to see the light of day in the Senate so they don't experience consequences, such as people voting them out as they did back after the passage of the '94 Assault Weapons Ban.

Chances are that even Milquetoast Rubio and Voldemort Scott wouldn't cross party lines to vote for either one in the Senate, if they even come up for a vote, but right now there's absolutely nothing we can do to stop both passing in the house.

My representative is very good on this, but I gave him a pat on the back by email for opposing them FWIW.   HR8 passed today on a mostly party line vote, although 8 idiot Stupid Party members crossed over to vote for the bill.  BTW, that link is to the NPR story.  I've read and listened to some propaganda in my day - I was a shortwave listener during the cold war - but that is a masterpiece of propaganda reporting.

Both are perfect gun control bills.  They make advocates feel good, but won't do a damned thing to prevent bad people from doing bad things.  When those bad things inevitably happen, the sheeple will cry out for even more gun control which the controllers will be only too happy to suggest.  In Bloomberg's - and his minions' - eyes, that's perfect.


  1. It's like they're writing the GOP's 2020 ads for them.

  2. Pig hunting season opens soon.

    And I hate to break this to you, John Wilder, but the Koch-sucking Rove Republicans in the GOP are fine with this. And the NRA probably is as well...

  3. should be seeking "crime control" instead of "gun control". gun control is something accomplished by using both hands and a steady eye. crime control is accomplished by using a brain and hand cuffs. today's democrats don't have a brain so they just do the other.

  4. I realize the Dems don't consider, or are probably even aware of, all the ramifications of what they do, but I wonder if any of them have thought far enough through all this @&$% to imagine how small a geographic area they'll rule over if Americans decide we've had enough of their @%$#.

    And, it ain't just the size; last I looked, there weren't very many farms, cattle ranches or oil refineries in Manhattan, SF, Baltimore or LA, and if there were, no one there who would know how to work one.

    So far, it's been all fun and games, but if it continues, there will be a reckoning, and I'm betting that won't be nearly as much fun. For anyone involved.

  5. The constitution gives the government power to regulate interstate commerce but not intrastate commerce. There is a lot of case law that says after the first time something is sold the rules change. Both bills that were passed could verywell be unconstitutional because of that.

  6. The goal of the ENTIRE left and VAST portions of the right is the TOTAL disarmament of ALL Americans. They intend to RULE us and it's risky to try and rule a populace that can fight back. Virtually EVERY person seeking public office HATES the idea of personal freedom. That is why they seek office. Once in office they can legislate to end freedom and enslave us. The best and most accurate "rule of thumb" is to assume that if they want to hold office they have no business being in office. We'd be far better served by selecting random property owning/taxpaying citizens using the name in a hat method to hold office....for one term only

  7. The vision of the founding fathers of the United States was a nation of yeoman farmers and craftsmen, well-armed and educated, engaged in local self-rule along Enlightenment principles. Such a people cannot be ruled over with tyranny, nor can their arms and economic output be drafted to conquer the world and funnel resources to a rootless global elite.

    The Evil Party has successfully destroyed education and local self-rule, and is champing at the bit to knock the last leg of liberty out from under us by disarming us. Most of the Stupid Party will go right along with that both to preserve their second-place trophy status and high life, and also because they do not fundamentally disagree with the Evil Party premise that we the people are best kept as retarded sheep for shearing. The dual-party illusion that masks our globalist Uniparty leaders is dezinformatsiya to ward off the lamppost and noose remedy.

    Shifting demographics enabled by both sides of the aisle will ensure total and permanent control of the federal government within the next few election cycles, at which point they're betting on not having to pretend anymore and simply rolling up a disorganized and demoralized mass of heritage Americans who are so far behind the OODA loop that they still think we're a country of laws with a constitutional form of government.

    The old guard of Team Evil understand violence and direct action and their consequences, but the new blood which will replace the dinosaur left have never been so much as punched in the face and do not understand the ramifications of violence. They are true believers that actually think total civilian disarmament is possible, beneficial, and moral, and will not hesitate to sic every available mechanism of force on us to drive compliance.

    I would not bet on these gun ban bills as being purely for show.
