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Sunday, February 10, 2019

New Green Deal, Same Old Lies and Distortions

The news is all abuzz over the Green New Deal that several Evil party presidential candidates are getting behind, but it's another example of Same Shit, Different Day.  New Deal, of course, is FDR speak from the '30s and adding the Green label shows you it's really watermelon socialists: green on the outside, red on the inside.  There's a copy of one of the originating documents on NPR (Document Cloud) from an interview, and it's being widely ripped apart.  This Tweet from Wall Street Journal columnist and TV pundit Kimberley Strassel is probably the best.

It is so stupid, it's a whole new level of world class stupid.  Let's start here.  The justification they claim for economically destroying us is to end climate change.  Nicolas Loris of the Heritage Foundation, writing in the Daily Signal points out that if you use the same numbers the IPCC is using to calculate the effects, we could shut down everything in the US, set carbon emissions to zero, and it wouldn't make a significant difference in the projected temperature in 2100. 
Using the same climate sensitivity (the warming effect of a doubling of carbon dioxide emissions) as the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assumes in its modeling, the world would be only 0.137 degree Celsius cooler by 2100. Even if we assumed every other industrialized country would be equally on board, this would merely avert warming by 0.278 degree Celsius by the turn of the century.
Occasional Cortex claims the world will end in 12 years if We Don't Do Something NOW!!!!  What isn't being mentioned is that NOBODY in the "climate science community" is saying that.  What she's referring to is an October UN report that demands the entire world totally replace all fossil fuel energy by 2050 to avert the climate crisis coming after 2100.  Neither 2050 or 2100 sounds much like 12 years away.

Those "ZOMG, we have only (insert number) of years left!!" predictions come out every couple of years and since the predictions are always wrong, they issue another warning and pretend they never issued the first one.  


  1. Of course the "Green New Deal" is insanity, cannot and will not produce the results promised but WILL destroy the economy and spread massive misery.
    That is the INTENT behind this garbage. The left is comprised of two
    groups...the very large vocal brain dead portion that believes the insane
    garbage that is being peddled and provides the political clout via votes for
    the parasites infesting public office....like Peloser, FineSwine and the new darling of the left Occasionally-Conscious. Most of this group actually believes their own PR because they aren't very bright or highly educated in anything but serving their own needs. There IS a tiny portion on the left that fully understands that what they seek is not possible under the laws of either physics OR economics....they just don't care. Their goal is power and destroying the country gives them more power....therefore that destruction must continue. The issue is there can be no common ground, negotiating or compromise between sane America and the insane/evil left. The majority of leftists are immune to logic, reason or fact. The few that aren't are EVIL TO THE CORE. It truly has become an issue of THEM OR US. Either we eliminate them or they WILL eventually obtain enough power to eliminate us.

    1. Amen, Dan. As an old guy, I can't tell you how depressing it is to understand how so many of our politicians in Congress (and throughout our government) are so incredibly stupid. It is a done deal if Trump cannot get us turned around enough to regain some ground, back away from the brink. I shudder to think how bad it will be if we end up on the rooftop, but if it has to happen, I would like a bit of time up there with the rest of you.

  2. Occasional Kotex gives stupid people a bad name.

  3. very interesting sigraybeard... i'm curious your opinion on the gold and silver market. Do you expect it to rise extremely soon?

    1. My Magic 8-ball went on the fritz back after the Carter administration.

      Seriously, if there's one thing I've proven to myself with this blog is that I'm absolute crap at predicting things like that.

      I've seen so many people predict it and then it not happen that I don't pay attention any more.

    2. PM's have only a cursory and informal connection to the economy and the dollar. And that is not likely to change until a massive upset of the current paradigm....as in the dollar loses it's benchmark status, a major war or some other enormous societal upheaval that renders fiat currency untrustworthy to the masses who currently believe that paper money actually has value. Once they see the light then magically PM's will be in huge demand. The problem being NOBODY can predict when that will happen. It will eventually but it could be decades away....or it could be next month. Thus the key is to hold some of your assets in PMs as insurance but still invest in the current economy to gain asset appreciation. How much that is for each portion is a personal choice no one can make for you.

    3. Very well said, Dan. I don't know if you've come across it, but when 401k accounts were first invented in the late 70s, it was commonly said to keep something like 10 or 20% of you assets in precious metals. I rediscovered that back around maybe 2003, and I think it's really sound advice. It's literally SHTF insurance. Figure if the dollar completely collapses, whatever you have in the bank or other markets is either worthless or inaccessible.

    4. SiG, as you know I am pretty ignorant about such things, but I understood (perhaps incorrectly) that there is an inverse relationship between a stable market (stocks, commodities, futures, etc.), and that is the only reasonably accurate statement that can be made.

      Of course, it is of no use in making any predictions either way, at least until - should it happen - the Left takes over the entire government and runs our economy based on the Cloward and Piven strategy. At that point it becomes pretty obvious, but possessing PM's won't be a lot of help if, as in Venezuela, food is so difficult to get that people kill any available livestock, their pets, and zoo animals for food. Think the breakdown resulting from a massive EMP attack, and how everything stops, including the transportation of food, availability of medical treatment/medications, warmth in winter, etc., and the ability of those who _have_ prepared to hang onto what they have.

      The "conspiracy theory" a few years back about the government stockpiling many millions (billions? I can't recall) of MREs may indeed have been real, with the government thinking that they will be able to use them to control those of us they decide to keep around to do their bidding, perhaps with some FEMA camps thrown in here and there. I'm thinking along the lines of Matt Bracken's third book in the _Enemies, Foreign and Domestic_, series.

    5. "inverse relationship between a stable market and the value of PMs, and that is the only reasonably accurate statement"

      Damn, the old mind is fading.

  4. We need to keep Occasionally Cognizant and those who support her apart. If they get too physically close there will be a cosmic merger into a Black Hole of Stupid, from which lucid thought itself can not escape.
