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Friday, November 15, 2019

Got A Couple of Hours?

On Wednesday night, Glenn Beck did a two hour presentation in the open on YouTube and available a couple of other ways.  The subject is the story of the Deep State and the impeachment hearings.  The video is still freely available here.   Two hours.  One short potty break at the top of the second hour with no other interruptions.  That's right; no commercials.

The program is called The Democrats' Hydra, a reference to the shadowy evil organization in the Captain America movies from the Marvel cinematic universe.  In mythology, the hydra was a multi-headed monster and it was said that if you cut off one head, two will grow back to take its place.  That became part of the MCU story of the criminal/terrorist group Hydra.  I've used the analogy for the Fed.Gov for most of the life of this blog.  Beck shows its origins.

Such a report couldn't be done without thorough research, so they used FOIA requested documents, Wikileaks releases, documents from trials in the Ukraine and many other places.  There's a summary posted online as well.  He points out that he knows that he's going to be accused of spreading conspiracy theories, but that's not what this is.  Conspiracy theories don't have documentary evidence backing them up  - some of them emails from the person committing the crime.  This is evidence that would probably stand up in a court of law (of course, IANAL).  As he puts it, it's the difference between conspiracy theory and conspiracy facts. 

By the end of the first hour we see the state department operating independently.  It doesn't matter who the president is - the office which sets foreign policy according to the constitution - they're going to do the things that their agenda calls for.  Which is why the state department is in open rebellion against the president. 

The documentary gets to the modern era in the second hour.  We find current state department employees actively working to start revolutions all around the globe.  We find current state department employees actively training citizens in other countries how to take down their governments.  We find little details like that the state department used taxpayer money to print Saul Alinsky's “Rules for Radicals” in Macedonian (the language) to enable revolution in that country.  We find details of an initiative started as soon as Obama took office and renamed a year later (by the Hildebeest) as “Civil Society 2.0.”  Be aware of that phrase.  Like all propaganda, the things actually done by people acting under Civil Society 2.0 have virtually nothing to do with being civil. 

It's quite the story.  In a way, it validates all the worst things you've ever thought were going on in our country.  Definitely worth the two hours to watch.


  1. Ten or so years ago Beck was a star on Fox News and was able to command attention
    for his commentary. Then SOMEWHERE along the line he jumped the shark, drank whatever koolaid Alex Jones is addicted to and went full blown loony toony. This is sad because from time to time he is UTTERLY dead on in his assessments and commentary....and it simply DOESN'T MATTER. Because he squandered his credibility. He is now lumped in with the other fringe lunatics like Alex Jones, Girgio Tsoukolos etc. The media whores were more than happy to paint Beck as an insane lunatic. However he was just as happy to go along for the ride.

    1. Why shouldn't we think it isn't those same lying, socialist, scumbag media whores that are pushing that story? Granted he's probably more careful now as he's aged - which just mean he's learned from his life's experience.

      That's why he had his research team put out all the documentation they found on this, so that we can do our own homework and decide if he makes a reasonable case.

      After he had his life threatened by a high-ranking intermediary from George Soros' organization, back when he was on Fox, he got a bit more careful and the media campaign against him got more vocal. Coincidence?

    2. Not saying Beck is incorrect in his assertions here. Just saying that he has made some insanely stupid statements since leaving Fox. Statements that at times border on sheer lunacy. Makes it difficult to ascribe any real sense of importance to anything he says. That is just one more of the sad ugly truths about modern reality. Modern politics is no different than ancient politics....where it was common for those in power to kill the messenger if they didn't like the message....unless the messenger looked like the court jester, in which case NOBODY BELIEVED THE MESSAGE.

  2. I would be completely unsurprised if the "whistleblower" becomes a victim of Arkancide.

    1. One thing Beck's show goes into is how Ciaramella is tied to so many of these other state department attacks. They'd never allow him to be cross examined about these things and wouldn't want anyone publishing his background, so I think he's been dropped from public appearances.

      The guy is barely out of college; I doubt that he's 35 by now, and he was getting invited to high-level deals in Obama's White House. Apparently becoming a protege of Brennan or Clapper.

  3. Just as Dilbert is a documentary packaged as a comedy to make the medicine go down easier, the British made a television documentary sitcom about the permanent bureaucracy called Yes, Minister. It describes how governments work. All governments; every government; no exceptions. Government as commonly structured will produce this result. Believing that government can be reformed into the servant of the middle class is delusional.

    Early American government was a copy of the British government, they merely changed the names. House of Lords/Commons renamed Senate/House of Representatives, but same social class interests. Ministers renamed Secretaries. Chancellor of the Exchequer became Treasury Secretary. King renamed President. You don't think President Jefferson told Napoleon "I'm interested in buying the Louisiana area, but I'll have to see what my legislature says" did you? No, he negotiated the purchase on his own authority as President.

    1. Thank you for your optimism.</sarcasm> I do believe you are off the mark. I fully believe that 220 or so years ago, the reformation of the U.S. government under the Constitution was an honest attempt to change the way governments work. That it has mutated over time into something more resembling other governments is unfortunate but not frozen in stone. We as U.S. Citizens have the tools to move back to where we need to be: the soapbox, the ballot box and the ammo box.

      Our bicameral legislature in no way resembles the British Parliament and House of Lords. The British system is much better described as an elected dictatorship; it worked for the British because of their social structure.

      I am not sure about what your point is with the Louisiana Purchase is. No Jefferson did not have to have legislative approval before he negotiated the Louisiana Purchase;however, he did have to have the Senate ratify it for it to happen. If you were trying to point out that this misbelief by the current State Department that the President needs their permission before entering negotiations is wrong, you are correct. However, previous Presidents did not have to do this. The problem is that too many Progressives have become "career" bureaucrats and since they disagree with the elected Executives direction are trying to claim that they establish policy when clearly they are not supposed to. Donald Trump is the first President to act like a President and not just the figure head of the bureaucratic "Deep State" in a long time.
