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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Tales From the Seattle Communist Enclave

Or You Just Can't Make This Shit Up.

According to PJ media, Seattle's breakaway communist enclave called CHAZ (Capital Hill Autonomous Zone) has encountered troubles with their independence.  The only assets they have are stolen, and people who steal other people's assets (that is, the people of CHAZ) will steal anything that isn't permanently attached.

As Divemedic pointed out on Confessions of a Street Pharmacist, the communists behind CHAZ are incredible hypocrites.  One of the first things they did was build a border wall.  I assume it was with stolen materials, like the road barricades they stole from America when they formed their little empire.  And then their border wall was stolen right back.  

Bryan Preston, writing over at PJ Media puts the thoughts together like this:
The CHAZ collective thanked the mayor for her gift of a six-block area of America the mayor does not personally own (and which includes about 500 homes of actual Americans) by storming city hall and demanding that she resign unless she disbands the police.
Call the police!

Right — CHAZ wants to disband the police. The police are over in America anyway, and American police have no obligation to help secessionist CHAZ.

CHAZ has no farms or orchards. CHAZ is paved over with streets and buildings. CHAZ cannot feed itself.
It’s a pity CHAZ has no indigenous lumber supply.

Or electricity. Or water supply.
There has been talk about putting an embargo around the CHAZ and starving them out.  Note that they report there are 500 homes in the area they've taken over.  That's got to be somewhere between 700  and a thousand innocent people that are hostages in the CHAZ.  Since that's Antifa, and they're a designated terrorist organization I believe there are protocols for situations in which terrorists hold hostages.  We assume the citizens are opposed to losing their property to Antifa, so free the hostages and if all the Antifa loons happen to not survive, those are the breaks.   



  1. I dare say that in a liberal Enclave like Seattle and particularly that neighborhood, all of those people in those homes are sympathetic or by now are suffering Stockholm Syndrome

  2. And those same people will soon be just as hungry as the terrorists.
    Quite the pickle they put themselves in.
    (Pun wasn't intended but I'll leave it because it's too good not to.)

  3. I could be crude and say something like 'Zero Copulations Given' but instead I'll just go read up on the siege of Vicksburg and start laughing in anticipation. It might clean up the rat population.

    Hmmm. I wonder if, after a week, what would happen if every food truck on the west coast showed up and just started cooking bacon and letting the smell drift downwind into CHAZ.

    Or send them pumpkins and watermelons, delivered by those pumkin-chunkin cannon and trebuchet.

    Or... Helo delivery of turkeys or Tofurkeys in a very WKRP way.

  4. Actually, I wonder if we shouldn't adopt the tactics of the 'protesters'. March into their Autonomous Zone and start burning it down. I'm not sure what good that will do, but it MUST work SOMEHOW. It works for THEM. On the other hand, are Seattle, San Francisco, Minneapolis, and similar places WORTH saving ? Probably not. Let them abolish the police and see what happens. I'll get my popcorn ready and turn on U-tube.

  5. Paging Patricio Carrera, white courtesy telephone...

  6. The answer to "what to do" really depends on whether the residents are co-criminals or unwilling hostages. If the former, lock it down. Nobody IN. Nobody OUT. Turn off water, gas, electricity, cable, phone service, etc. Starve them out until they SURRENDER to police.

    If the latter, attack and save the hostages. If some terrorists die...oh well.

    There is ONE FURTHER consideration. I'm not sure which is a better "strategic" move with regard to the election, and I admit I do care about that. As Seattle and Washington don't seem interested in saving anyone, SHOULD Trump do so if it will, ultimately, cost him the election, and thereby cost the Country all the good he would do in a further 4 years?

    1. Since a report I saw earlier claimed that our Governor Inslee(spit) claims he has not heard of Capitol Hill being taken over and occupied I can only believe that he is lying through his teeth again and is some ulterior motives for letting these children play their dangerous game. My thoughts are that he is literally trying to bait Trump into sending in Federalized marshalls or troops for some reason.
      So far Trump has blustered about it but has held off, calling their bluff. It is only a matter of time until even the brain dead Libs up in the Emerald City will get tired of the game and start putting pressure on Inslee to do something about it. All trump has to do is wait and throw spitballs via Twitter at Inslee in the mean time.

  7. How those "in charge" react to this will give us a good idea how far away total civil war is. If allowed to act this way unopposed and unpunished the commie left WILL push further and harder. They only understand one language.....power. if not shut down they won't quit. And so far they're winning.

  8. Last night, as I was posting this, I ran into a story that a Warlord had taken over CHAZ because he had all the guns. He promptly started shaking down the small business owners for money. Supposedly to run things, but I woke up with the Kipling poem about the Dane-Geld running in my head.

    In a way, this is really comical. They set up this Autonomous Zone and clearly couldn't run a household let alone a city. No food supplies, no water supplies, no sewage removal, no garbage disposal, no infrastructure at all, and no way to pay for it. Every utility should shut down the area, at least as much as they can, and then start negotiating rates. They'll be a failed state wallowing in filth within days.

    Like the commies in Russia, China, Cuba, or Venezuela, or the rioters in Zimbabwe or South Africa, or a hundred other places, they know how to run a rebellion and break shit but couldn't manage a MacDonald's with every aspect of the supply chain intact.

  9. As far as the President sending in federal troops? Don't do it. As long as these loonies are destroying state property let the state deal with it. If the state doesn't want to deal with it, then let the state reap what they sow.

    1. Well, it is first the mayor's responsibility, then the county sheriff's, then the governor and any state troopies he/she/it controls.

      Only when local, regional and state government fail after trying should Trump even consider helping out.

      Which, of course, is how the Federal System is set up. Unlike the previous ruler who sat in the Oval Office. It really is a local/regional/state matter. Now carry that nonsense across state lines? Then drop the full weight of the Fed Gov on their idiot heads, from the EPA to the FDA to the BATFE to the DoE to, well, any other petty crappy federal department there is. Heck, take most of the career State Department employees and parachute them into the compound, after all, the CHAZites have declared they are no longer Americans, right?

      After most of the federal bureaucracy is destroyed, then send in... the IRS.

      That will stop it real quick.

    2. There are reasons to think that Antifa and the other communist groups want to have troops fire on them. They're trying to recreate Kent State from the 60s to create images that they think will outrage those not committed to overthrowing the government.

      This is all about insurrection and trying to destroy the US. It's already across state lines because the same groups are traveling around the country trying to cause collapse.

      I saw yesterday that the CHAZ kids took some property and planted tomatoes there. I assume they're expecting them to be ready to harvest later today. I guess there are no bugs in the Pacific NW to fight for your tomatoes like here in Florida.

  10. The people living voluntarily in that part of Seattle do not qualify as "innocents".

  11. I find it amusing but not surprising that they don't even know the dimensions of an 8' 2x4.

    1. Well, to be fair, the only true dimension there is the 8' :)

  12. I'd suggest the FBI hostage rescue team is a good option in this hostage situation, but I know the FBI has more important things to do four months before a national election.

    Hopefully the people in CHAZ can hold out until mid-November.
