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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Rorschach Test Debate

As I expected, last night's presidential debate was "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing" to quote the bard.  Everyone sees what they want to see.  Like the famous ink blot test, each person interprets the same picture differently.  Biden's fans are convinced he won.  Trump's fans are convinced he won.  We don't know yet what the undecided people truly thought.  In reality, as I said before, I don't think it will mean much.  I note Borepatch has a similar take, wondering why we even have these things any more.  

You may see an ordinary moth or the skins of two animals.  I see Mothra.  

PJ Media's Matt Margolis points out some aspects of the chatter after the debate in which he argues Biden's team really thinks Trump won.  His main argument goes like this:

Matt Lewis of The Daily Beast, a Never Trumper, concluded that Biden “won the debate” but added the caveat: “If Joe Biden were looking for a pretext to skip the next two debates, he found it.”

If the candidate you support won the debate, why wouldn’t you want them to participate in the remaining debates?

He then goes on to name several other Biden supporters who say essentially the same thing.  Margolis finally says, “You don’t call for your candidate to skip the remaining debates if you think they help your candidate. You just don’t.”  My take on it is this is reasonable if they think their candidate slam-dunk wiped the floor up with Trump.  But what if they're putting on a big show about saying they won while inside they either really think they lost or they think Biden somehow got through by the skin of his teeth and they don't want to take the chance again?  The last thing Team Biden wants is for the idea to get around that Biden can't go toe-to-toe with Trump and therefore isn't strong enough to face foreign leaders.


  1. Interesting that 65% of Hispanics polled by Telemundo said Trump won the debate ... Think they've seen enough socialism/communism in Cuba and Venezuela to last them for a while...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The Florida Hispanic population is Cuban, Venezuelan, Nicaraguan, and some from all the places in South America that went bad. It really doesn't sell well around here.

      I grew up in Miami, and knew people who got out of Cuba in the late '50s, and then who came across in boat lifts and any way possible. They're still getting into anything they can make float and come across. There was one in the news in the last couple of days.

      We used to say the sharks in the Florida Straits are well fed.

      (I left out a couple of very important words before)

  2. Reality is irrelevant. The facts don't matter. Not when you have 99+% of the media working as your party's devoted propaganda machine. ÀNY screen time Trump gets allows him to get his message out....otherwise he gets shut down and censored by the lefts propaganda ministry. And Biden looked EXACTLY like the person he is.....an old man with dementia. But these "debates" are nothing but scripted shows with nothing of importance being discussed. It's been that way for decades. Expect FB, Twitter et. al to 100% shut out Trump from making ANY social media statements in the near future. The pretext of impartiality is long gone.

  3. Hmmm. I saw one of these:


  4. I don't like Biden for many reasons, but I have to say, I thought he did very well... for Joe Biden. He didn't soil himself (that we know of). He didn't fall asleep. There wasn't much in the way of non sequiturs or gibberish.

    I'm sure Dr. Jill is very proud.

  5. Guy is being test by a psychiatrist who shows him an ink blot test. His response is horribly profane and nasty.

    Psychiatrist shows him another. Similar answer, and then another, same answer.

    Psychiatrist puts down the cards, “You know, you are one sick bunny”.

    “Hey, you’re the one showing them to me!”
