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Monday, November 23, 2020

NASA Has an Anti-Exploration Group Fighting to Keep the US Earthbound

I'd heard rumors of this, but didn't pay it much attention.  This morning's email brought a link from Bill Whittle and an absolute Must See video.  
NASA’s Equity Diversity and Inclusion Working Group (EDIWG) publishes an anti-capitalist, anti-colonialist manifesto which, if followed, would effectively ban the USA from exploration of Mars, our Moon and other planetary bodies. After all, our “extractive capitalism” approach could interfere with evolution of microbes on lifeless worlds. How shall we meet the EDIWG invasion of NASA?

The video makes some points I've never heard of, including that the Viking missions in 1976 was the last Mars mission with experiments on it to search for life because of the actions of this group under the name of the Planetary Protection Office.  A strange name because it implies protection of this planet and they apparently have nothing to do with that.  Exobiologists are not allowed to search for life on another planet until they can prove there is no life there.  Excuse me?   How is that even remotely logical?

No missions to planets that might have microbes on them - think Mars because it might harm microbial life on the planet.  What about a sterile body like Earth's moon?  Can't go there either because it might harm microbes that could eventually evolve!  (I'm not making this up)  Can't mine asteroids, also sterile bodies, because that's extractive capitalism.  Can't do anything.

It should go without saying that this is aimed at destroying American efforts in space because you can bet your butt the Chinese aren't going listen to NASA's EDIWG.  Watch if you have a high stupidity tolerance, read the PDF.  Paging Elon Musk: you may need to relocate to outside the US, if you can find any place that will grant you the freedom to launch to Mars.


  1. NASA killed by Green PC Watermelons.....unbelievable.

  2. Waste of time to relocate.

    Treat the EDIWG nitwits the way Israel treats Iraqi nuclear scientists. (Which, at something like 0-25, to date, is the IRL equivalent of being Ensign Deadmeat, the redshirt who's picked as the fourth guy to beam down with Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.)

    Once a critical mass of the EDIWGs get hit crossing the street, drown in empty bathtubs, or just spontaneously explode at bus stops, the enthusiasm for filling the vacancies wanes to the point of extinction.

    As a side bonus, mean societal IQ goes up measurably with each "accident".

    Picture paperhanging young Adolf, "accidentally" falling under a streetcar in Munich in the 1920s, or found after trying to loosen his too-tight-to-breathe necktie knot with a butcher knife, and inadvertently slipping and cutting most of his head off (he was stubborn, so it might take several slices - "obvious accident"), and then imagine the next half-century of European life anywhere west of the Ural mountains.

    Game. Set. Match.


    Imagine the same problem befalling folks at the NYTimes, or the local affiliate of ABCNNBCBS.


    1. And if you've never caught the flick, you want to watch Michael Caine in A Shock To The System.
      You'll probably also get a kick at seeing who wrote that screenplay.

      Afterwards, just let your mind wander.

  3. When you enable insanity rather than sequester it then you can expect this type of behavior to flourish. As "rational" beings we have nobody to blame but ourselves.
    If we were truly rational we would either incarcerate or exterminate these blatantly defective people.....and their numbers are growing exponentially.

    1. I take a slightly different viewpoint. Most of us live in a society that is so safe and free of risk that our ancestors wouldn't imagine it. The pandemic is a prime example. Until this one, pandemics came and went regularly (as they will continue to), but people just soldiered on. Now nobody can tolerate the risk of getting sick when for the vast, vast majority of people of any age, it's a minor inconvenience.

      People who would have died from any number of dumb mistakes in another time survive and propagate. This retardation is an effect of how good the times are.

      I'm sure you've seen the jokes: I'm not saying we go around killing the idiots, I'm saying let's take the warning labels off everything and see what happens.

    2. That's a blondes vs. brunettes question, SiG:
      The correct answer is always "both".

      By all means, let life without a safety net cull the herd.
      But we shouldn't shirk our duty to cull the strays who slip past those goalies. There just aren't enough unfenced ledges and electric feces in the world to get the job done anymore. 's why I want them to reintroduce wolves and grizzly bears in Califrutopia.

      Ideally, in the Santa Monica Mountains.

    3. Yes....in the past irrational idiots were often removed from the gene pool by their own actions. We have effectively short circuited the Darwinian filter. We actually subsidize it by providing "free" healthcare to morons who in The past would die but now are saved by ER'S and the EMTALA law. We subsidize them by providing EBT cards, section 8 housi g etc. So yes....we subsidize irrationality when we should at the least allow nature to take it's course.

  4. I wrote about this a few days ago. If there's a serious motive behind it, it's a desire to foreclose the opening of any frontier that freedom-seekers could move toward as Terrestrial governments tighten the screws to unbearable levels. In the absence of such a motive, I'd have to conclude that the EDIWG want equal representation on NASA's planning boards for any extra-Terrestrial life we (might) find. At least, that makes as much sense as any other explanation.

    1. I missed that post - probably looked at it and had a TL:DR moment. I'll head over and read the story once the coffee hits.

  5. NASA: The DMV of space vehicles. Just keep cutting the checks to SpaceX and reminding us of the Apollo missions...

  6. There does come a time when one just tells such nanny-state nincompoops to fuck off. Elon can launch from a giant floating barge in international waters and dare anybody to shoot down his Mars explorers.

  7. Elections have consequences. So does decades of government schools. And the harvest of braindead is just getting started.

  8. I saw this coming years ago if not two or three decades ago. Just the form of it was not certain in my mind. There were a couple of minor voices out there saying we should preserve all of outer space for the scientist and humans should solve all of Earth's problems first, which can't ever happen.

    When was the EDIWG set up? I would place my bets that is was under Obama. Goes along with Obama's statement to the effect that one of NASA's priorities should be to reach out to Muslims back in 2010.

  9. I'm also reminded about Ayn Rand's quote regarding which way society is going, when in order to produce something of value, you must get permission from a government official who produces nothing himself.

  10. I generally agree with Aesop, San Fran certainly has enough in the streets, but the rest of "Califrutopia" certainly doesn't have enough "electric feces...to get the job done", however I'm prepared to do my share.

  11. Gee. I wonder how many of these idjits are being funded by the ChiComs to slow or stop us from having fun out in space?

    1. The CCP actually contributes a fixed percentage of GDP to buying influence locally in individual nations; the budget for FUSA is upwards of $6billion annually. That's where the money the Biden family smelled came from. This is not to count their loan sharking through the developing world, notably Africa and Central and South America.
