Special Pages

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve. Roswell, New Mexico. 1949

The true story.

Found linked on Pinterest.  No true source credited.  Original URL from when I ran across the picture is dead.  

Let me wish each and every one of you who stop by here a very Merry Christmas.  Hold close the ones you love.  Spend time with family or friends or both.  Remember the good service members deployed far from home.  If you're Military, LEO, or fire; EMT, Nurse or MD, and are one who must work while the rest of us celebrate, thank you. 



  1. LOL

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, Graybeard

  2. The picture (you can find a higher resolution version on the net) appears to be from a French science fiction cable TV channel. Probably done by a staffer.

    The title says "Sci-Fi wishes you happy holidays!"

    I resent it to about 20 people I know. It was well-appreciated!

    1. Thanks, Malatrope! That's good to know. It looks well done and being from Sci-Fi channel makes sense with that.
