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Monday, January 11, 2021

So Why Should I Believe the FBI?

The headline said, "FBI warns 'armed protests' are being planned in all 50 states ahead of Inauguration Day" and caught my eye.  My first reaction was the post's title: so why should I believe the FBI?  Why should I trust them?  They've lost their credibility to me - speaking as an organization, of course.  I'm sure there are tons of employees there, agents to lab scientists, whom I could trust.  From the management side, the ones who would issue this sort of news?  Not so much. 

It turns out that linked story at The Blaze relies on ABC.  ABC?  Strike two against believability. 
Starting this week and running through at least Inauguration Day, armed protests are being planned at all 50 state capitols and at the U.S. Capitol, according to an internal FBI bulletin obtained by ABC News.

The FBI has also received information in recent days on a group calling for “storming” state, local and federal government courthouses and administrative buildings in the event President Donald Trump is removed from office prior to Inauguration Day. The group is also planning to “storm” government offices in every state the day President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated, regardless of whether the states certified electoral votes for Biden or Trump.

"The FBI received information about an identified armed group intending to travel to Washington, DC on 16 January," the bulletin read. "They have warned that if Congress attempts to remove POTUS via the 25th Amendment, a huge uprising will occur."
Riiiigghhht.  "Received information?"  Was that information supplied by the Southern Poverty Law Center, also called the Southern Preposterous Lie Center, by any chance?  Their motto, "attacking non-liberal groups for profit since 1984."

Peter @ Bayou Renaissance Man ran a piece today with extensive long quotes from Larry Correia and Tom Kratman summarizing how they see things today.  I strongly identify with this paragraph I pulled from Larry Correia.
People are confused and constantly bombarded by conflicting information, some correct, some bull****, and nobody knows what to believe because nobody trusts the people we are supposed to be able to trust. Then we have a super powerful global media complex that straight up gas lights everyone, and we're shocked the people have lost trust in information sources.
Yeah, that's where I am.  No trust in anything from the swamp. 


  1. Your very close on the information source.

  2. These lying bastards are planning either a false flag or a trap for idiots on the 17th. They've mailed out flyers everywhere calling for armed marches on the capitols.

    By the law of large numbers, enough idiots will show up to give them their Tienanmen square moment. If by some miracle everyone stays home, Antifa or Hollywood CGI will fill in: Anything to give them causus belli for martial law and the brutal crackdown they are planning.

    These transcendently arrogant assholes will probably get their desired war in the end: They think they can make up reality as they go and terrorize innocent people into submission. They think some ginned up outrage gives them moral authority for their evil.

    1. Correct. If you really wanted to disrupt DC on that day, you don't need guns. Just a sledge hammer to all the traffic light control boxes for a 20 block radius around the Mall. It'll take 'em a week to get straightened out, assuming they have spare parts.

  3. And any armed demonstrations, or armed violence, will give the left the perfect opening to force thru gun control measures, because of the danger of "right wing domestic terrorists".

  4. My question is? Why would we need to protest in Florida against Governor DeSantis?
    It simply does not make sense

    1. It’s a trap to eviscerate our 2nd amendment rights.

  5. No...You can't even trust the "scientists" working for the FBI. Many of the
    "Techniques" they use and testify about in court as being "foolproof" are
    a waste of time and effort. God only knows how many people have been convicted
    falsely due to the fake science and testilying done by FBI "Experts".


  6. Who are they kidding? We of the Right aren't organized enough to pull something like that off. And who is this spokesman who warned the FBI about the spuriously alleged future events? (Remember, future events like these may occur in the future!)

  7. Throwing the chicken bones or casting rune sticks is more reliable than trusting that spews forth from the FBI.

    But your quote about information being unreliable is spot on. Anyone with a lick of sense is sitting back, carefully sifting what's out there and is in "wait and see" mode.

  8. SiG as you said there will be something happening and most likely a false flag operation by the Left. Trump needs to get on any platform he can and say "stay at home".

    The Left has to be able to impose martial law to be able to go ahead with their plan to remove ALL opposition. The "re-education camps" are close at hand if anyone shows up.

  9. To Quote Admiral Ackbar - "It's a trap."

    Armed Protest in D.C. really? At best that will get you arrested, at worse shot. And of course, the media will run the worst images 24/7 and the congress critters will fall all over themselves seeing who can introduce the most egregious gun control laws.

  10. To Quote Admiral Ackbar - "It's a trap."

    Armed Protest in D.C. really? At best that will get you arrested, at worse shot. And of course, the media will run the worst images 24/7 and the congress critters will fall all over themselves seeing who can introduce the most egregious gun control laws.

  11. Sounds like classic agitprop/disinformation. I wonder what it is that the FBI is trying to trigger or smother. Whatever it is, it won't be good for the country.

  12. To keep it short...neither the 3 letter agencies nor the 3 letter media can be trusted for having a grasp on truth.

    1. Both of those groups know what the truth is. They also know that if a big enough lie is to!d loudly enough often enough the lie BECOMES the new truth.

  13. This is either going to drag on, or be over swiftly.

    I guess we'll find out in about 8 days.....
