Special Pages

Monday, March 8, 2021

Sometimes It's Hard to Know If We're Being Pwned

Thanks to a tip while listening to Glenn Beck this morning, I found out about the latest thing in protection from things we inhale.  It's on Kickstarter right now and it's called Nosy.  Not nosy like the neighbor who always wants to watch what you're doing.  Nosy like... well... like nothing that I can think of.  Nosy as in a filter to be worn on your nose.  Like these beautiful people.

A montage I put together from images on the Kickstarter page.

Nosy is not advertised as being for Covid; it's aimed at protection from air pollution.  The page lists dire sounding facts one after another about why air pollution is so bad for people.  There are actually two filters in the plastic nose; a HEPA filter for pollution particles down to 0.3 micron, and an activated charcoal filter for removal of Volatile Organic Compound pollution.  The HEPA filter is still a bit large compared to viruses in general (Covid-19 comes in at 0.125 to 0.15 micron), but better than "casual" masks (that is, not genuine N95 masks but the cloth gaiters that people are wearing as well as "surgical masks" that aren't N95).

Some of the air pollution headlines the Nosy Kickstarter talks about. 

Reading some of the deadlines of the various support levels there tells me the Nosy Kickstarter has been going for quite a while.  There are proposed delivery dates from last July.  That tells me it's not an April Fool's Day joke.  Unless it was for April of '20 and they just left it. 

No, I think this is real. 

Years ago, I was watching a commercial and the thought occurred to me that the most important job a model has is to not look like they feel stupid wearing the clothes, or whatever product they're trying to sell. Hat's off to this model and the rest.


  1. Reminds me of Lee Marvin in the movie 'Cat Balou'...

    1. That memory was so faded we had to look it up on IMDB. But I think Lee Marvin's was better looking than these.

    2. Yes, Lee Marvin's is better looking. I will never watch the movie since Hanoi Jane is in it, no matter what.

  2. PT Barnum was oh so correct....

    1. Thanks, Dan....
      I was going to use that line, because it is so SPOT ON.

      Do you think they will come in different sizes for varying degrees of protection, as well?
      Oh, Oh - I know! They will stack together like the Russian Nesting Dolls for exponential protection.
      Gee, I can't wait.

      Next thing you know, someone will sell a clear plastic bag and duct tape as a 100% effective COVID barrier. Just don it over your had and tape securely around the neck. PRESTO! No more dying from the Chinky-pox.
      Then the resulting TV ads for a wrongful death suits will start pouring in.
      "Did you, or someone you know, die? We can get you money for your stupidity.... Errr, I mean; deceptively marketed product."

      Idiocracy is no longer a movie. We are living it.

      Whitehall, NY

  3. Does it come with glasses and Groucho eyebrows?

    1. Mine has the glasses, eyebrows and mustache, but they were optional at extra cost.

      No, wait. That's not a Nosy.

    2. Cigar sold separately. :-)

      Whitehall, NY

  4. This looks like a Saturday Night Live parody, like "Spud" - the beer made from potatoes, or Shimmer Floor Wax and Dessert Topping.
