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Saturday, July 3, 2021

I Don't Like Where This is Going

Tropical Storm Elsa that is. 

At the moment it's looking like Tuesday we'll be getting some weak tropical storm winds out of Elsa.  It's unlikely that we'll put up the shutters and one of the good models (the UK Met) says it might even dissipate before it gets up here.  

Longtime readers will know my standard line about tropical storms, "it's just a poopy day with a press agent."  I expect to be doing my normal, everyday things, but if the winds do get up to 45mph (min for a tropical storm) I'll skip going for a bike ride.  Forget that, I'll just preemptively take the day off.



  1. We could use the rain.

    1. I just dropped way too much money rebuilding my sprinkler system. That means it's going rain steadily for the rest of the summer so that I don't even need to turn it on.

    2. Summer is the rainy season in FL
