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Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Another Day Got By Me

An odd mix of overcoming some hurdles getting my NanoVNA working properly with its various supporting software pieces, and fixing some junk around the house, and the next thing I know, it's too late to come up with a topic.  So... some lame attempts at humor:

I didn't get this one for several seconds:

Something I've never seen put into quite these words, but is brilliant.

From our department of Things That Don't Make Any Sense, they'll put that magic word (Keto) on anything to try to sell it.



  1. #3 Just like calling something "tactical" appeals to a certain crowd. Like the Bell & Howell electric razor or flashlight they advertise on TV.

  2. That celery caption is hilarious because it is so accurate. For me, celery requires some dip or cream cheese to get me interested in consuming.

  3. Pimiento cheese spread for the celery is my favorite.

  4. I'm on a diet. I eat a small box of cut up veggies every day. Sometimes there is celery in there. I don't like it but I eat it. Eating the whole box means I am not looking for cookies for a couple of hours.
