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Wednesday, July 27, 2022

About That Kamala Harris Quote

Every news site has posted about that quote from Kamala Harris yesterday.   You know, 

'My Pronouns Are She And Her, And I Am A Woman Sitting At The Table Wearing A Blue Suit.'

When I saw it, my first reaction was, "the table's wearing a blue suit??"  

As a sort-of writer-dude, that's what we call a dangling modifier.  The modifier after the word table is more associated with the closest noun, table, not woman.  Sitting is OK where it is, it could be before or after Woman, although saying 'A Sitting Woman At The Table Wearing A Blue Suit' is arguably worse.  

That's all.  Just wanted to spread this idea virus.


  1. "Well, we don't have anything in a suit, but how about a nice tablecloth? Or maybe a doily?"

  2. I read somewhere that she was so specific in case there were visually impaired people in the audience but that doesn't make sense either. Everybody had to be thoroughly vetted before attending so the organizers knew who was in the audience. We can leave it at she is a kook and her speechwriters are not competent or are actively out to embarrass her

  3. She's just looking for a deck to suck

  4. How dare she assume her own gender!

  5. Engrish gud.

    What a weird language, glued together from all kinds of other languages.

    1. "The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don’t just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary."
      --James D. Nicoll

  6. Mask needs to be thicker, we can still hear her.

  7. “How it got into that suit I’ll never know” (with my apologies to Groucho).

  8. I'm reminded of a reply to the line "she rode a bay horse clad in blue jeans", which was "must have been a dude horse".

  9. The table identifies as wearing a blue suit. How dare you!!
