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Sunday, July 10, 2022

I'll Just Leave This Here

Much like Friday's post about the junk science, this is something inspired by something I saw at Western Rifle Shooters'.  To be exact, this:

Personally, while I always saw the resemblance between Beetlejuice and Lori Lightfoot, I thought she looked more like this guy:

So I just had to find a picture of Groot angry and yelling, then do a little clip here, brightness there.  That sort of thing. 



  1. Ain't nutting related to zirhonor. And it won't reproduce, thank .Gawd

  2. Hahhahaha! I believe the goldfish also are making the same statement.

  3. She's the poster child for demonic possession.

  4. Actually, she never looked like Beetlejuice the character, she looked like the guy with the shrunken head near the end of Beetlejuice the movie. Somehow this got lost in the translation...I think people's memories have poor resolution and don't see the finer details.
