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Tuesday, September 20, 2022

This Will Be Brief

This will be shorter than usual for a Doofus of the Day reason.  I slammed my car door on my left index finger this afternoon and it hurts like a bitch, even though I'm not typing on it and just stretching my other fingers.  

Instead, a tiny bit of space news from Boca Chica.  Last night's post had a quote from Elon Musk saying booster 8 would move to the pad for testing.  Booster 8 was at the pad by daybreak this morning.  The farthest back I can look on this camera is 6:46 this morning, and B8 was already there. 

Local sunrise photo of  (L to R) B7, B8 and ship 24.  You can see the golden light of sunrise on the left sides of B7 and B8.  Screen capture from Lab Padre. More details on what's going on at Teslarati.

Hopefully, this finger won't interfere with typing as much tomorrow. The weird coincidence is that I took off the end of my right index finger almost exactly one year ago: "Monday the 13th," September '21.  This one isn't "partially amputated," though, just "squashed finger blue."


  1. I'd take next year's 9/21 off and just stay away from cars...

  2. I second Rob's comment. That hurt just reading about it. Have a quick and full recovery.

  3. They're pulling B7 off the OLP and putting it on a stand to take it back to the build site for additional strengthening, B8 will take its place and get pressure tested, etc.

    Never a dull moment at Starbase!

  4. Ouch!!

    They are ramping up the test tempo at Boca Chica. That's good.

  5. "Send a wire to the main office, and tell them I said "Ow!"

  6. Replies
    1. The gators aren't as sneaky and easy to overlook.

  7. I recommend Dragon Dictate for blogging Voice to Text.

    1. Dragon is good, but in a pinch Google voice-to-text works very well on my Android phone...

    2. great software - once properly trained. I've been training mine for 'bout 30/40 years or so - and it'll still piddle on the rug every so often.
      It's super great for those who are subject to the problems of carpal tunnel, as well as diabetic and many other neuropathies that affect the fingers - and I don't own any stock in the company.

  8. Yikes! Damage to the fretting hand is a real distress.

  9. I have been directed to proclaim,
    And do hereby proclaim:
    September 21 to be SiG Index Finger Protection Day!

  10. Slammed my finger in a door at the dealership once, split it open like a crushed grape.
    Take it easy or you will be banging it on everything. Just getting your keys out of your pocket can be an adventure in pain management.

  11. SiGraybeard, you are a hazard to your own health.

    Protect the finger and get better.
