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Saturday, September 30, 2023

30 Days Has September

I guess everybody knows that childhood rhyme, but my point is simply that it's the end of September and while it's not fall, it's not August either.  Ann Barnhardt posted this:

My reaction was "same thing in Florida."  It's not 90 at the moment because it's about 20 minutes after sunset and it has been raining since around 2 PM.  On September 20th.  To be completely honest, the days' highs for the last week have only maxed out at about 87.  The "feels like" (heat index) temperature is more like 97, while a month ago, the highs would be in the low 90s with the heat index around 10 to 15 degrees higher.  For what it's worth, my reaction to the heat index is usually that when they tell me it's 87 with a feels like temperature of 97, I say it "feels like" 87 here.

Saying it has been raining since 2 PM on the 20th is a PFA number, but it has been raining daily for a couple of weeks.  Launches from Cape Canaveral have been delayed hours or overnight.  Last night's Falcon 9 launch was delayed from around 6:49 PM until 10 PM (video from NASA Spaceflight.com here at T-30 seconds) and previous launches have also been delayed.  

The Falcon Heavy launch of the mission to asteroid 16 Psyche has been slipped one week until Thursday, October 12 at 10:16 AM EDT.  The delay "...allows the NASA team to complete verification of the parameters used to control the Psyche spacecraft's nitrogen cold gas thrusters," they said in a blogs.nasa.gov posting.  The Atlas V launch of the first two Amazon Kuiper satellites has been set to Friday, October 6 at 2:00 PM EDT.  There are a few Falcon 9 missions scattered in the next two weeks as well.

The Psyche spacecraft issue is uncomfortable, considering the year long mission delay was specifically because of software issues like this. This launch window for the Psyche mission closes on October 25.  Slipping seven days out of a 20 day window seems like a lot. 

By the way; does anyone know what font that is in the graphic?  I opened the jpeg in MS Paint and went through lots of fonts without finding anything that matched it. 


  1. Download or screen capture the font/words you are interested in then go to
    WhatTheFont. Should be able to get an answer there.

  2. After I looked around 1001freefonts.com I got seriously burned out on caring what font I was using. You'd probably find it in there.

    What is this "90 degree" crap? God, I glad I left Florida. It is real fall here, mid-40s and raining this week, snow likely soon, trees all in full glory. If I still lived where it was summer or intense summer all year long I think I would retreat to a corner, eat cockroaches, and gibber.

    1. The way I figure it, every place has some sort of issues. Earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, blizzards, or blistering sun, it's always something. We're kind of the opposite of places like you describe. At the start of winter, folks up your way are staying inside more and we're going outside more. Both of those switch at the start of summer.

    2. That is true. While I cannot stand heat in general (unless its dry, 10%RH), the biggest issue is the lack of seasonal contrast. Here we have four very distinct seasons, each with its own challenges and benefits. I think places with unchanging (or nearly so) weather are like living in a place where entropy has triumphed and the heat death must be embraced. Gray, so very gray...

    3. The biggest problem I find with Florida is that sometime just after Thanksgiving or so, a huge number of geese begin to fly South honking (and clogging) their way down all the highways and byways, crowding the eateries (it becomes impossible to get a reservation three weeks in advance), and raising the prices of everything until they depart North sometime around the beginning of May.
      Summer in Florida is no problem: "Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun," otherwise you call your A/C repair guy.

    4. I lived in Florida for 12 years, so this is all familiar. I had to re-roof my house once in August/September, but other than that, yeah, you stay inside. The problem is, I like to live mainly outdoors.

    5. Here in North Central Florida we have all four seasons. Think more Southern Georgia than Florida. Winters get down to the 20's and sometimes 10's, Summer is hot and muggy, Spring is nice with usually lots of rain and Fall actually has crispy nights in the 60's down to 40's and the trees change color.

  3. It's not quite "Moon Flower", but it's very, very close:

    1. Winner! Christmas Eve on WhatTheFont looked good, too, but it was $19 vs. very close for free.

  4. WhatTheFont says it's "Christmas Eve". Looks like a good match.

  5. I sure prefer summer temperatures in Florida over winter temperatures in upstate Pennsylvania!

  6. Ha! As a former Texan, I endorse that meme.
