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Sunday, February 18, 2024

It's My 14th Blogiversary

Sorta.  As I say every year, my very first day of blogging was ackshually February 21, 2010, which happened to be the third Sunday of the month.  Since weekends are more quiet days, and the 21st hardly ever works out to be a Sunday, I've always marked the anniversary as the third Sunday of February. Today.  

(Gratuitous celebratory image found just doing a search for 14th Anniversary, and when I went to the website to link back to them I got an error message.)  BTW, these anniversary symbols serve a purpose when I'm looking for old images to reuse.  If I can find the first time I used it, the anniversary posts are markers in the calendar to look around.  Those of you who use Blogger probably already know this.

As always, I thank you for stopping by. It's hard to know how many people stop by to read by Blogger's stats. Over the last month, views per day stayed in the 1500 range, going up at the start of February to above 2000/day. The last couple of weeks have had days over 3000. That said, a couple of times in the last six months Google must have changed their way of counting, or some spyware went out of control or something odd because it was saying over 5,000/day with a couple of peaks over 15,000. 

This will be post 4,819 and at my typical one post/day, I'll hit 4,900 in about 80 days, or early in May.  The 5,000th post will be in mid-August.  My least favorite time of year.

If you've read down this far, what are you doing? Just kidding. Double thanks.


  1. Thank you for posting interesting articles on a variety of subjects. I have been visiting here about three years and I don't remember one day that you did not provide great, well presented info. Quite a track record. EdC

  2. Always informative.
    Congrats SIG!

  3. Congratulations. Always an enjoyable read.

  4. A daily visit for me. Always informative. Thank you.

  5. Mazel tov!
    Many happy returns of the day.

  6. First stop of the day, every day, for me. Thanks for the effort! I know it can't be easy getting your fingers to a keyboard day after day after day just to entertain (and educate) a couple thousand internet randos. But it's a noble cause, well executed.

  7. SiG, the Google counter reminds me of the Church as described by Martin Luther: Having fallen off the horse getting on from the right, the conclusion to fix the problem is to get on the horse from the left (and still fall off).

    Congratulations are in order. I have certainly benefited from your updates on the Space program, which I previously followed not at all.

  8. Happy Anniversary and thank you for your posts.

  9. I hope you keep going for at least another 14 in good health; I'll be 97 and awaiting my daily dose.
    Bloggers: the Spartan Runners of the 21st Century

  10. As a daily reader I can say "Thanks for doing this for us." But lately I have missed the home machining articles.

    1. You might be surprised for me to say I miss them, too. Since I started my big ham shack upgrade project, I've hardly been in the machine shop. I'll bet I haven't had a single machine tool on since November. It's fairly accurate to say the only tools I've been using are a soldering iron, wire cutters and strippers - nothing to do with a milling machine, lathe or even drill press.

      I now have all the pieces and have started the final stages of the shack upgrade, but I'm questioning what's the next project in the machine shop.

    2. Do what I do when I discover that I've been neglecting such things: find something to make for the shack that has to be made in the shop. And don't pay attention to that guy on your shoulder who whispers that you can just buy it online for ten bucks.

      You wouldn't believe some of the things I've made with the 3D printer that could have been something repurposed from the hardware store.

  11. I have enjoyed your writing for quite some time, though rarely have I left a comment. I get my news about space launches from you and I too, miss your adventures in machining. Keep up the good work, you have a wide readership and I wish you well for the next 14 years.

  12. Congrats, SiG!
    As someone who has been here since almost the very beginning, I always look forward to visiting daily.
    I try to understand the HAM articles and pass them on to a friend who has gotten into the field. The space articles, while well written and informative, I usually just glaze over - as they aren't really my thing. Which is fine. You enjoy them, as do others, which is all that matters.
    Like Anon@11:50, I kind of miss the machining projects. That was at the heart of the beginning of the blog. If there is one thing I like more than making chips, it is watching someone more talented than me make chips.
    Regardless, I applaud your latest milestone and look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

    Be well, my friend.

    Whitehall, NY

    ( Would have wrote this earlier, but I've been down sick for three days. )

  13. "So long," (not!)
    "...and thanks for all the fish!"
