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Monday, July 15, 2024

My Favorite Headline from the Weekend

My favorite story is from ZeroHedge, and is only tangentially related to the big story of the weekend, the attempt to murder President Trump. This story focuses on Elon Musk who says, "I have had two cases in the last six months where two people, unfortunately very mentally ill, came to try to kill me in Austin with guns." The lead-in is that people on X were telling Musk that if they'll come for Trump, they'll come for him, too, so double and triple your security.

The headline that got my attention, though, was, "Elon Musk Reveals Multiple Assassination Attempts, Says Time "To Build Flying Metal Suit Of Armor". An Iron Man suit? For real?  

This is a dream story. See, when actor Robert Downey Jr. was trying to find someone to pattern Tony Stark after, someone suggested Elon Musk and stories I've read are that he spent hours daily observing Musk in the earlier, crazier days of SpaceX at their facility in Hawthorne, California. Scenes in Iron Man 2 in 2010 were shot in Hawthorne.  Musk was given a speaking cameo role in the movie and they asked if they could use the facility as a set for the movie. He said, "sure!" - presumably after getting things out of camera range they didn't want everyone to see. 

(I'm not sure who the actor on the left is. Second to right is Mickey Rourke as Vanko and then Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer - the two main anti Iron Man characters in the movie) Those are Falcon parts. 

This patterning of Tony Stark after Elon Musk tells me that in a sense, Tony Stark is Elon Musk. Besides, if you were going to bet that some solitary genius was going to come up with a flying suit of armor, who would you bet real money on to do it besides Elon Musk? Jeff Bezos? Please.


  1. If anybody could, it'd be Musk.

    And he's got all those 3D metal printers that can print titanium and duraluminum. After all, if Adam Savage can print a bullet-proof suit, Musk gotta be able to make one 10 times better.

  2. Supposedly Howard Hughes was the inspiration for Tony Stark's father.

    And as with all things like this.......What's the power source?

    1. Iron Man's was a nuclear reactor, right? Always the key question, and subject to the same argument as everything. Who do you think is worth betting real money on as able to make one? The guy responsible for the New Glenn (need I say, "which has never flown once"?) or the guy responsible for the rocket that has turned the world upside down?

  3. Actual spacesuits have to be on their to-do list already. One of the NASA designs was to separate the airtight layer from the armor/wear/rub layer.

    1. Jerry Pournelle used a similar design in a few of his books. The set up uses a skin tight full body suit, non permeable except for moisture if I remember correctly, suit has a neck ring for a helmet, then there are various over-suits such as an insulating full body piece. In this way the skin tight body suit has no need for an atmosphere, as the body is the pressure regulating component much like deep sea divers use.

    2. Skin tight suit passes moisture because natural sweating is used to cool you in insulating vacuum. Skin tight suit needs to supply something like 4psi to support skin, which isn't strong enough against vacuum and bruises. Small damage to suit doesn't matter, it's not airtight, it's a mechanical support for skin which is airtight. Suit is difficult to get into quickly because compression is stronger than stretchy things worn on Earth. Difficult problem was packing the volume in a man's groin into an even compression support. Less difficult problem was strapping the helmet down so it doesn't blow off.

  4. "They" always tell us what they are doing, its due to a very old covenant, supposedly King Solomon made in exchange for the position of Guardian of earth, made with GOD, the original intent being, as The Guardian, it was the rule in the agreement all who worked for The Guardian, had to receive consent from people, humanity, for anything they did that concerned GOD's Sovereign peoples. The zinger in this was of course power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, regardless "they", those minions of The Guardian who together ruled earth, Solomon's bloodlines, they could not escape the consent clause, so they got real tricky they created the use of "implied consent", where by they met the color of the covenant regarding required consent form humanity, thru various techniques where they "tell" us all, like employing movies and other media, see they show us, and if nobody withdraws their consent "they" then are clear to carry out whatever act or operation they needed peoples consent for doing.
    Sneaky. Very sneaky. And that is why something such as Musk and the idea of an ironman suit, rather the technology. One actual example is development and use of "Comeleo" suits, advanced LED technology, of which shows up in a rather obscure sci-fi action movie back in the early 2000's. After they developed working suits, and there are quite a few marks in the series, the suits are used to far extent by various actors and operators within "the surveillance" which blankets the US now, these actors are known as "gangstalkers" and their control aka "glowies". And "they" have gotten much milage out of these suits, terrorizing "targeted individuals", people, who are deemed worth closer scrutiny, targeted due to being seen as threats such as having high IQ and high critical thinking, having the mental skill sets to see the Stazi like surveillance we all live under in America. Thats only the short of it. Not too hard to put the puzzle pieces together. A notable clue is antifa, at least the actors who are the core operators who get things going, and control the "extras" who unwittingly take part, but these "antifa", BLM is another theater they play, and presently they are acting parts in the LBTQ crowd, and men posing as women in sports. Its really all about control control control. An interesting aspect of the whole gangstalker concept, a family in the Black Nobility, cant recall which family, they have bloodlines going back prior to the Roman Empire, who absolutely hate America and her people. they began the gangstalker system, and its become a global system, for an idea of how vast this network is, its estimated as much as 30% of just the US population are inside "the network" now, and no small number of the alien invasion sre foriegn gangstalker cadre, sent in to supplement the domestic cadre, in part due to the reluctance of the domestic network being unwilling to commit rather egregious violent hateful criminal acts against their fellow Americans.

    1. You need to write a sci-fi book about this.
      But *not* on this thread, please.
