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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Changing of the Seasons

This pondering was prompted by Irish's post, "How I Would Rather Spend My Monday" and the gorgeous photos of fall colors exploding on some back roads up his way. 

Long term readers will probably have noticed that a couple of running jokes of mine are to refer to August as Crematoria and to refer to dates in early to mid-September as still being August; for example referring to September 9th as August 40th.  With the peak of hurricane season on August 41st, that means when the northern reaches of the country are getting some hints of color we're virtually always keeping an eye on some big storm, often more than one.  It's hard to think of that as the seasons turning - unless you mean a turn for the worse.  I'm pretty sure I've counted up to August 50th before, if not to August 60th. 

This year was unusual.  The weekend before the equinox (Friday the 20th), we started getting strong NE winds (around 20mph), a typical sign of the weather starting to change.  On the 24th, the morning low was 68; decidedly below the 20th's morning low of 74 but by no means threatening the record (63).  The weeks since then have kept up stronger than summer winds from the easterly quadrant - the direction our prevailing winds come from.  The cool temperatures haven't returned, but humidity is down a bit and it's not bad outside.  The air conditioning is cycling off more and holding temperatures better.  It's definitely not August. 

I'm unabashedly a fan of air conditioning.

In a few weeks it will be Halloween; a few more and the triumvirate of year end holidays will be upon us.  I'd honestly pay to see them do this:  


  1. That mini salad should include a vinegar dressing...just to really lock it in their youthful memory.

  2. Saint Carrier, the Patron Saint of the Space Coast!

    1. Between the sun beating you senseless, and the mosquitoes that could kill a horse by suffocating on the sheer number of them, I don't think a technological civilization could survive here without Saint Carrier's invention.

    2. Still a great place to live, at least in this age!

    3. For sure. I grew up in Miami, but have spent time pretty much in every part even if just overnight. Gainesville, Tally, along the Keys, Jacksonville, out to Panama City Beach, Naples, Tampa, lived in Boca Raton, Ft. Lauderdale... I think this is the best spot in the state.

      Moved here in '84 and I still think it's one of the best decisions of my life.

  3. By your reckoning, we made it to August 65th here. Hopefully summer is about over, although a long Indian Summer would be welcome. Still dealing with firewood.

    1. I'm guessing that puts you in the middle third of the country? The NW had snow last week and again this week. The SE has been warm, and up into Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, I think.
