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Thursday, February 3, 2022

The Day Got By Me Again

Thursdays tend to be busy for us and today ended up being more so than usual.  So, as I always try to do, I'll post something that struck me funny.  A poll with an obvious Canadian angle from the usually thought-provoking Vlad Tepes Blog.  In particular, this entry that was on the first page this morning.

I'm not one of the 83 votes, but I would have voted for the Bee, too. 



  1. It's pretty sad when real life is less believable than the satire on the Babylon Bee.

  2. We truly live in Clownworld when satire websites are more truthful than the regular media.

  3. How many times have you heard someone say, "is it real news or The Onion?" The mark of good satire is making you ask that, even if briefly.

    The Bee seems to have gone ahead of the Onion.
