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Sunday, April 16, 2023

The Tenth Anniversary of the Boston Marathon Bombing

On Friday, PJ Media ran a story on the tenth anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing, talking about how even now, almost no media talks about the attack and why it happened.  

Ten years ago, on April 15, 2013, a brilliantly sunny Monday afternoon, the Boston Marathon was drawing to a close when two nail bombs exploded in quick succession. They killed two people and wounded well over two hundred, maiming some for life. Before the identity of the bombers became known, the establishment media was full of joyful hope that the killers would turn out to be the Bible-quoting Christian terrorists of media myth. Instead, they were Islamic jihadis. As the tenth anniversary of their attack approaches, the same denial still prevails: no one in America wants to discuss why they did it. 

The anti-American press who desperately wanted another Islamic terrorism incident to actually have been committed by their stereotypical conservative, redneck villains (who only exist in their heads) actually got one of their wishes.  The Tsarnaev brothers were actually Caucasians, just not the "whyte pee-poh" that they envisioned.  That is, they were from the Caucasus region of Europe.  

This was almost all that was talked about in the beginning of the investigation.  On the day of the bombing, within hours of the attack, a writer in Esquire magazine (whose name I will not quote) wrote this:

“Obviously, nobody knows anything yet, but I would caution folks jumping to conclusions about foreign terrorism to remember that this is the official Patriots Day holiday in Massachusetts, celebrating the Battles at Lexington and Concord, and that the actual date (April 19) was of some significance to, among other people, Tim McVeigh, because he fancied himself a waterer of the tree of liberty and the like.”

Clearly, the correct way to punctuate that sentence is with a period after the fourth word.  It should simply read, “Obviously, nobody knows anything.”

The PJ Media article has several examples of this kind of thing, but suffice it to say the bombers were committed Muslims and Jihadists.  It's not a coincidence that the 2023 FBI and DOJ are going after Catholic churches; that's the logical extension of that Esquire author and all the others who dreamed it wouldn't be Islamic terrorism.  The FBI still believes that the next great incident of terrorism will come from conservative Christians who attend church regularly.   

April of '13 was the third year of this blog and although it was a major story, I find I only did one story about it, and that was April 23, eight days after the Marathon, with my view of the lessons learned from the attack and response. 

The start of the 2022 Boston Marathon.  David L. Ryan / Boston Globe via Getty Images via WGBH, Boston.


  1. I have noticed that ever since Pedo Joe and his handlers surrendered A'stan to the Taliban the talk about "islamic terrorism" has been greatly diminished. They still hate us and want us dead just as badly. But somehow that reality is no longer important to the criminals in power nor their media henchmen.

  2. Just a word. Most of the Muslims that Inhave encountered have been physicians, nurses or techs who came to America to DO medicine and to escape the clan, Sharia thing for themselves and their children. Mostly, they understood that the "Patient" cMe first, and always. It was "natural". A tiny minority could not get past the Sunni, Shia, Apostate thing. They tended to not last long. Thus, with a few exceptions, the (nominal) Muslims came here like most other ethnicities/nationalities. I have no idea what the Boston Bombers were seeking. They were not going to find it in America. Too cowardly to go "home", and too cowardly to make a life here.

    1. They merely followed the commands of their "prophet!"

    2. The only people I expected to insult or offend in this were (1) the "media henchmen" (thanks Dan!) who reported bullcrap just to promote their agenda and (2) the feds for implementing that agenda today. The Esquire reporter who I won't even give the tiniest bit of recognition to by giving his name comes to mind.

      The story about the two misfits who carried out the attack "is what it is." The problem (to me) is that the media and the Feds are living it out today and making it worse.

  3. Starship launch in one hour, dude! Check all your feeds...

    1. Been watching/listening since before the first cup coffee.

      I can't NOT think of that day back in jr. high that I watched the first test flight of a Saturn V.

    2. Unfortunately, there was an issue. This reminds me of the shuttle. We drove across Florida to watch several scrubs before the dang thing actually left the ground. We were blessed to be part of the crowd that got drenched in acid rain (from the SRBs) before they moved them further back for subsequent launches.

  4. 1) The PTB keep getting it wrong. They manufactured the Jan 6, 21 protest into an insurrection that it was not. They keep trying to make Conservative Americans the villains that they are not. But they do well in keeping the masses that only follow the MSM being misinformed by the MSM's misinformation and disinformation campaigns and Governmental censorship of information.

    2) Got up at 05:00 CDT this morning to watch the Starship launch only to find out it had been delayed to 08:00 CDT (watched both Labpadre and NASA Spaceflight channels). When SpaceX began its Youtube stream, I started watching that. Then the announcement that it would only be a wet dress rehersal. Elon tweeted that it was a "frozen" pressurization valve that ended the launch attempt.
