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Sunday, October 20, 2024

The other 90% of my weekend

I did a deep dive into an area of ham radio that I've known about for as long as I can remember, but never tried to get into because the price of entry has been just too high (in time, money, and effort). The common name for this is moonbounce, but the more technical guys tend to call it EME - for Earth Moon Earth.  

There were two reasons for trying more this weekend.  First, this weekend was a major EME contest, put on the American Radio Relay League, and these contests tend to bring out a lot of activity.  More activity means more people to listen for. The second reason was some online chatting with a guy who does quite a lot of it. He doesn't know about this blog, and I didn't ask for permission to talk about him so I won't. But he asked me if I was going to try to listen in this weekend and after some chatting about my station by email he gave me some hints on setting things up to try to listen and contact some of the guys who have invested a lot in EME activity.

Let me just put the "Bottom Line Up Front" (BLUF): I didn't hear a single station in the couple of hours I thought my station might be able to turn the trick.  Neither Friday or Saturday around moonrise. 

So let's start at the beginning. For newbies, I did a post about trying to communicate with the two Voyager satellites. The concerns are identical but the numbers are vastly different.

This was all done at 50.2 MHz. The idea is simple: you point an antenna at the moon, 250,000 miles away (not exactly) and listen for signals coming from the moon. If you've got a really good station, you can hear your own signal after you wait for the echo from the moon.  The speed of light (which is radio) is 186,000 miles/second.  Remember, your signal has to go from your station to the moon and back or 500,000 miles. That means you'll hear the echo 2.69 seconds later.  

The next big concern is the same as every communications link everywhere else: the amount the signal attenuates - weakens - over that 500,000 miles. The term for this is path loss, and back in the Voyager article, I used a handy form that gets you within less than half a dB of the more theoretically-backed equation.  

Path loss in dB = 37 dB + 20log(f) + 20log(d)  where,f is the frequency in MHz and d is the distance in miles.

So PL = 37 + 20log(50) and 20log(500,000) or 185 dB. 

Wait.  There's a nasty assumption hidden in there, that the reflection from the moon is perfect. No signal loss, it just changes direction. That implies the signal reflected back has an angular diameter less than the moon - or some would be lost  around the edges.  The diameter of the moon is just over 0.5 degree, which is very tight for an antenna beam. OK, let's just keep a note on that. Maybe there's a useful approximation people have made. Maybe someone said just add (some number) of dBs to your path loss.

Where does this leave us?  Let's say we put 1000 W out of our antenna (it could be less power in the transmitter and more antenna gain, or a simpler antenna and more out of the transmitter).  That's +60 dBm (power compared to 1 milliwatt in 50 ohms) or one million milliwatts.

Signal coming back is  +60dBm -185dB path loss or -125 dBm at our receiver input. 

So what? It's a good time to say, "what does that mean?  Is that a useful signal?  Do I need more power, or more gain, to get more signal at the receiver? 

At this point, we have to dive into the improvements that have made EME more accessible to more hams than when we operated voice or CW (Morse code).  That's a topic for another day.

A graphic from a guy who's among the biggest names in EME, especially 6m EME. Lance Collister, from Montana. From there, he links to his main web page on EME.


  1. When I got FCC Elements 1, 2 and 7 done, 20 years ago, and my license mailed to me,I felt like I was one of the big boys. I ordered flowers for my wife from WLO in Mobile AL a few months later while I was doing a transatlantic crossing. The captain and a new 3rd mate were watching me, as the captain hadn't used a ship-to-shore station since the 80's, and the 3rd mate didn't even know any still existed. By 2004 we were already using Sat A, Sat C or email sent via an MF/HF converter to save on satellite data costs. (I'm surprised more people don't still use that. Nice way to keep google out of your pocket).
    While I knew EME existed, I realize now that I really still know so little about radio operation.

  2. There is virtually no eme or microwavers in Florida that I know of. Im down south in Ft Lauderdale and tried to locate anyone with an interest. I suspect atmospheric water vapor adds to such extreme path loss making it an extremly difficult endeavor for Hams. Not that I wont keep trying to find a local enthusiest. I have had a long time interest in microwave radio since my days as a teenager who acquired a ton of mil surplus radar eqpt during the days of direct surplus sales from the DOD and GSA. My parents were quite supporting in my hobbys growing up in Miami where a few surplus yards still existed. such as OK Surplus. Ham Shack, Simmons Surplus and the incredible Microwave Equipment Co. Maybe some of my old pals read this. It would be great to reconnect.

    1. There are microwave experimenters here in Central Florida. AA4NN set the US 10 GHz DX record back in the 1980s, from the beach around Melbourne & Palm Bay to the North Carolina outer banks. That was on 10GHz SSB - 10.250 GHz IIRC. I haven't looked to see if that has been beaten in a while, come to think of it.

      There's a lot more high tech electronics businesses around here than South Florida. Guys who worked on the Cape and saw an opportunity to start a business.

      The Florida Weak Signal Society, http://flwss.net/ covers 6m to at least 2304 MHz. Another friend I used to work with has done 2m EME. It's something I'm thinking about just because the Antennas are so much easier to deal with than 6m antennas. The 1/2 wave elements are more like 3' 3" instead of 9' 4". There are several videos where guys have relatively small 2m Yagi on simple camera tripod, and the station is basically on a little cart they roll out into the yard to try to work EME.

    2. Here's a video of a successful 2m EME station with two 8 element yagis and 110 W. https://youtu.be/O8hu_9VDcWw?si=pdxaCxn9DpS3Bcas
