Thursday, September 26, 2024

As the Pooh Said

 It has been a rather blustery day.

Needless to say this isn't my creation. This is classic Disney BW - Before Woke - but you knew that.

Last night, it occurred to me that we were low on cat food and needed to make a run to a store, some research revealed that our usual grocery store was open and most everything in the county was also "business as usual." "C'mon - it's a tropical storm not a Cat 5 hurricane. No big deal." We decided to go early, around 7:30 this morning, because of not having a clue how busy it might be and just bought the cat food and a few necessities. The store was close to empty.  No rush for French Toast as I hear about in snow storms. 

Since then, it has been a rather boring day, just sitting here reading weather updates and poking around to find anything interesting. The winds were variable tending toward a peak in later afternoon, but they could have been under 20 or over 30 on any sample.  Minutes ago, the official report was winds are SE at 24mph gusting 40, while a few hours ago, I think I recall seeing 32 gusting 55, pretty much as our local NWS forecast said. The screen capture that McThag shows is higher than the winds we were seeing, though not by much. 

I kept an eye on the tower and antennas all day, walked around the house a few times, and found no issues anywhere.  One corner of our property is overgrown by two neighbors' trees, and while I won't relax until the storm is truly over with, nothing appears damaged. We haven't had a single power glitch.

The center of the storm is north of us as of the 8PM update, so it should all be getting better from here on as the storm moves toward landfall. Weather Underground says the steady winds will drop back under 20mph by 4AM tomorrow.


  1. Good news all around. When we first moved here 7 years ago, I asked the local Hams about ice and snow loading on my antennas. Everybody chuckled and said the wind would get them long before snow or ice did!

  2. If the power was on, we'd be unaffected.

    It went out at four, now we wait on the linemen to figure out why and where. Once it's safe for them to do so, of course.

  3. You got my prayers, SiG! I'm a native Houstonian, and know what happens when the weather hits! God bless you and yours.
