Saturday, March 15, 2025

Well, This is Kinda Embarassing

I noticed something rather surprising this week, and honestly didn't know quite what to do about it.

You see, last month was this blog's 15th anniversary.

I've never missed a blogiversary before.  My actual first posting was Sunday, February 21, 2010.  Since dates move around, instead of celebrating on February 21, I've just used the last Sunday in February.  This year that fell on February 23rd and there was a bunch of little stuff going that just made me forget that all.  Since I'm three weeks late, I could get all Anal-Retentive and say it's my 15-3/52nd or 15.096 blogiversary but then I'd be guaranteed to not find an image to use here.  

So here 'tis

Image by Vecteezy, as it says.  They appear to accept that their images will get used by blogs with no revenue like this one and offer various levels of membership that aren't required.

BTW, these anniversary symbols serve a purpose when I'm looking for old images to reuse. If I can find the first time I used it, the anniversary posts are markers in the calendar to look around. Those of you who use Blogger probably already know this. 

As always, I thank you for stopping by. It's hard to know how many people stop by to read by Blogger's stats. Over the last month, views per day stayed in the 2000-2500 range, going up around my real (February) anniversary to a peak at 14,537 on 2/20.  The stats blogger gives for the last 30 days look like this:

I suspect the peaks are some sort of hacking, perhaps even attacks that Blogger handled.  The annual stats are even weirder, with peaks over 25,000 views per day around the end of May and early June of '24.  This is why I say it's hard to know how many valid visitors a blog gets.  

This will be post 5,208 and at my typical one post/day, I'll hit 5,500 in about 292 days, which is the end of the year.  

If you've read down this far, what are you doing? Just kidding. Double thanks.


  1. Congratulations SiG! That is an accomplishment, especially in the current blogging world where it seems like things go silent more often than new things get started. Well done!

  2. Congrats on rolling up the milestones, SiG.
    Not sure when I first got here, but it was early on. I've checked in at least once every day since.
    Thank you for your efforts, and time devoted, keeping us informed and entertained.

    Whitehall, NY

  3. Missing the blog’s anniversary is not a major problem. Missing your wedding anniversary is a major problem.

  4. Happy Belated Bloggiverssry SIG!!

  5. Congratulations on sticking it out. Your efforts are appreciated.

  6. Hats off and Bravo!
    Sitting here puffing on a pipe and enjoying a hot cup of earl gray, with maple surple, oh, enjoying your blog.

  7. I'm not a regular reader, but I do visit your blog on occasion. 15 years of consistent blogging is indeed a mile stone. Well done.

  8. Chalk the error up to the lag from Daylight Savings, over 15 years.

    Mazel tov!
