Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Entering the Era of Lunar Infrastructure

There's a saying that the Apollo era was all about “flags and footprints on the moon,” and that's no longer what's driving nations. Now, we're moving into the era of construction projects for infrastructure; first on the moon and then on Mars. We learned in early 2023 that Blue Origin had been working on infrastructure-related programs since 2021 in a program called Blue Alchemist that was intended to the take the lunar regolith and manufacture things on site; including making working (if rather small) photoelectric generator cells. 

Today, Payload tells us of a startup infrastructure company called Ethos Space Resources working on ways to turn the regolith into something like poured concrete in its versatility and the ability to work with it. They see this as the key to entering the phase of “launch pads and gas pumps.” The idea is to melt the regolith, separate out the oxygen bound in it for other uses, separate out useful metals and other components, eventually using the remainder to cast much like concrete for launch pads, roads and ramps.

Two of the company’s three founders were early SpaceX alums who helped build the launch giant’s earliest pads and vehicles. 

Ethos founders:

  • Ross Centers (CEO): A Colorado School of Mines alum specializing in space resources.
  • Jeff Overbeek (COO): A 12-year SpaceX veteran who founded the company’s launch reliability group and helped build Falcon 9 launch sites.
  • Brogan BamBrogan (VP of customer ops & integration): BamBrogan was employee #23 at SpaceX, where he helped develop Falcon and Dragon.


“We are starting with the very first infrastructure on the Moon, which is a landing pad, making round trip access to the Moon reliable and affordable,” Centers told Payload. “We will build the pad and liquid oxygen from the lunar regolith to provide a place to land.”

Liquid oxygen from rocks? It helps to know that analysis has shown that oxygen makes up 45% of lunar rocks by weight. The regolith is melted using electrical power, after the oxygen and other materials are separated out, it forms a strong material that can be used for a landing/launch pad.

Ethos has successfully produced the concrete-like rock in a $2M simulated lunar environment, and has tested the material at its facility under the fiery power of a rocket’s breath. “We were surprised how well it held up. We knew from lab testing that our material was stronger than concrete, but we didn’t know how it would hold up under a hot, violent rocket flame,” Centers said. 

The company said that unlike concrete–-which can fracture and throw off big chunks of material—a rocket plume melts the glass and self-heals any fractures.

Ethos provides this image of their concept of operation in very high level overview.

The need for the generation of liquid oxygen for fuel and the poured regolith launch/landing pads all come down to the Moon being a Harsh Mistress, if I can borrow that. Perhaps I should say Spaceflight is a Harsh Mistress. To get back from the moon, a ship needs to carry the weight of that fuel all the way  to the moon, and its launch vehicle has to be big enough to launch that fuel - or else there needs to be a fleet of tankers carrying fuel to orbit to fuel the ships going the next step to the moon. Making the fuel for the return on the moon vastly simplifies that situation.

Imagine a robotic, instrument-laden version of this melting/refining tank that could get to a preferred landing location on the moon, and create a large landing pad that the Starship or other lander could then just land on. Just having a level surface to land on instead of the slope of a crater most likely would have kept both SLIM and Odysseus IM-1 from tipping over when they landed. Think of this system being able to create LOX and keep it in liquid state for the lander for when it's needed. 

“Mass to the Moon is almost prohibitively expensive right now,” said Centers. “When you’re doing a round trip mass, that’s even more expensive because you have to bring all the fuel to get back to Earth afterward.” 

“It is orders of magnitude cheaper to build infrastructure on the Moon using local resources.”

While two of the founders mentioned above are former SpaceX guys, they see their ideas as being useful to everyone.

Ethos has partnered with Astrolab, a recent awardee of NASA’s lunar terrain contract, to facilitate lunar operations and the mobility needed to build a large pad.

How to build a pad on the Moon:

  • Astrolab’s FLEX rover will deploy several power cargo boxes, measuring 1.5 meters by 2 meters, at various locations around the designated lunar pad construction site.
  • The rover will tow a heating trailer that melts lunar regolith behind it, harnessing the energy from the deployed power units.

The byproduct is a hardened, concrete-like pad. 

As first-movers on lunar infrastructure, the company sees its future offerings expanding into other resource domains like metals, power, and water.

With luck, it might look like this in around 10 years. Image credit Ethos Space Resources


  1. You know, there is something that is kind of glossed over here. This process is going to necessarily need electrical power, actually gobs and gobs of power. I'm not a space scientist by any means, but I would expect an energy budget many orders of magnitude than has ever been done before. Until this can be seriously addressed, we're still in the vaporware stage.

  2. Why I wonder is small nuclear power plants not in play here?

    Going there to make small solar cells and over time build up to... seems oddly "Green".

  3. Thats a superb idea with smelting regolith. Billions of years of asteroid and comet impacts must have created rather high grade "ores." Everything they are made of is siting there. Imagine, ends up being the greatest mining operation in human history due to concentrations of critical and valuable materials.
    Any method for extracting hydrogen? I was thinking may be they get that from water ice, molecular water trapped in left over comet debris, possibly even catching solar wind, may be their solar mirrors do double duty catching that wind from the sun. Not a lot but its a steady process and its over time adds up to useful quantities.
    They get Hydrogen they are golden, everything else is simple in relative terms, a reliable source of liquid H2O, and thats life itself off Earth.

    1. and ps, shipping extra back to Earth is a lot cheaper as its all down hill into Earths gravity well. I can see Sci-Fi tales of linear accelerators on the moon launching solid "bullets" of metals, don't need much if any guidance and heat shielding. Maybe a parachute or some kind of "baseball mitt" like apparatus to catch them.

    2. Shipping extra back to Earth?? Turn the problem around. How much would it cost in rockets to lift those construction materials up off Earth? I first realized this when I heard people looking for a belt asteroid made of Gold. Great! A non-poisonous metal that doesn't rust. Melt it with mirror-concentrated solar heat, and blow a bubble into a hull for human habitation.

      Habitation on planetoids outside Earth isn't going to work without serious amounts of nuclear power. Invest now in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_fluoride_thorium_reactor which is packaged to work in vacuum. Likewise for a rocket with the maximum possible exit velocity, the speed of light. (But don't forget the Kzinti lesson.) Is there a thermodynamic reason you can't convert matter to antimatter for small input energy? Antimatter is a more concentrated fuel for a rocket which exhausts photons.

  4. Fantastic! Only limits are human imagination and ingenuity now. Its that first phase of human lunar occupation, the hump, to profitably get thru, then its gravy man. There so much resources and all the free energy can be harnessed from the sun.
    The greatest Win-Win of all times. We will never look back after this. And then, if somebody develops a FTL drive, or even just some form of economical fusion drive to speed around the solar system, take many centuries before it gets "crowded" say out in the asteroid belt running mining operations out there shipping the results back to mother Earth. We could create a literal garden planet then. Anything we need from space industries. Its sitting out there waiting.

  5. A metal mining smelters dream. Free vacuum, free energy, low gravity, air or water pollution not a concern, and cheap, to near free return shipping once the investment nut is squared up. Then all the by products, nothing us wasted. How great is that now?

  6. I'm visualizing nuclear-powered, regolith-melting zambonies, rented from that orange box store. "All I need is your stronaut credentials and a credit card for the $20M deposit..."

  7. Ah, well and good.

    50 years late is better than never.

  8. Saying this as an ignorant observer, maybe power from a small nuclear plant in similar form to those used on submarines? Means more of them get built which would then hopefully turn into commercial use.
