Saturday, January 18, 2025

It's One of Those Days

It's one of those days that happen on occasion, where I start pulling on the strings of an idea to put together a post, only to have it fall apart as I miss details along the way - and then notice my mistakes.  

I suppose it's better to not post crap I shouldn't, but it's still less than fun.  

So a couple of diversionary, geeky memes.

All the talk about there being so many chemicals in our foods makes me think of things like this.  Water - Dihydrogen Monoxide, H2O, is a chemical!  Everything is a chemical!!

Dear Daughter-in-Law is a chemist, and she sent me this in the last couple of weeks.  This is the way it's s'posed to be! 

And just because...


  1. Quiet day here, too. Went and blew the snow off the driveway and sidewalk, fixed a bunch of little things around the house, and just going down to the workshop to scratch my head some more while working on the Fisher receiver I've been rebuilding.

  2. Everybody that has drunk water has died.

    Prove me wrong.

    1. Not only that, everybody who believes correlation means causation will die.

    2. I drank water; reports of my demise are greatly exaggerated...

    3. Give it time... it can take a while for the effects to take hold.

      Also Penn and Teller have a great bit on Dihydrogen Monoxide from their I Call BS days, in which they got a bunch of tree-huggers at an eco convention to sign petitions banning water. I could only find a 1 minute excerpt when I searched, but it gives you the idea

  3. "I have attempted Science"
    It would be even more Sciencey if the researcher had been given a large grant by a Big Corporation (or even better, Big Gov!) to show how original conclusions contributed to Climate EMERGENCY and required More Tax dollars to lower the world's fever.
    MSG Grumpy

    1. It would be more realistic if he covered up his failure to find a positive result in order to secure next year's funding

  4. I do wish more scientists would publish stuff they try that didn't work, versus only the things that did. It would save a lot of time and duplication of effort, at least in some fields.

    1. They can't publish negative results because the "peer reviewed publications" won't accept them

  5. The Focus - the official car of ADHD survivors.
